report(s) found: 1
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Project title: Charecterization of the Fresh and Spent Catalyst from on-Stream Catalyst Replacement Reactor (OCR) x

Charecterization of the fresh and spent catalyst from on-stream catalyst replacement reactor (OCR)


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Bazzaz, Hamza.

Subject(s):  Crude ,  Crude ,  Petroleum ,  Petroleum ,  Heavy crude. ,  Atmospheric residue. ,  Spent Catalyst. ,  Catalyst characterization. ,  النفط الثقيل ,  مخلفات ثقيلة ,  مواد حفازة مستهلكة ,  فحص مواد حفازة

Project(s):  Charecterization of the Fresh and Spent Catalyst from on-Stream Catalyst Replacement Reactor (OCR)

Project code:  PF 052C

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