report(s) found: 2
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Project title: Developing a Novel Method for the Determination of Metal Retention Capacity of Heavy Oil Upgrading Catalyst x

Developing a novel method for the determination of metal retention capacity of heavy oil upgrading catalyst


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Alfadhli, J

Subject(s):  Metal retention ,  Metal retention ,  Catalyst ,  Maximum metal on catalyst (MMOC). ,  Ku crude. ,  الكمية القصوى المترسبة من الفلزات على سطح الحفز. ,  لقيم ذو محتوى فلزى عالى.

Project(s):  Developing a Novel Method for the Determination of Metal Retention Capacity of Heavy Oil Upgrading Catalyst

Project code:  PF 061K

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Developing a novel method for the determination of metal retention capacity of heavy Oil upgrading catalysts.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Fadhli, Jamal.

Subject(s):  Heavy oils ,  Catalysts ,  Metals ,  Hydrogen gas ,  Sulfur gas ,  التثبط الأولي لنشاط المحفز ,  الضغط الجزيئي لجهاز الهيدروجين السرعة الخطية لغاز الهيدروجين ,  الضغط الجزيئي لغاز الكبريت ثنائي الهيدروجين ,  Maximum metal on catalyst (MMOC). ,  Catalyst deactivation during start of run ( SOR). ,  Hydrogen sulfide partial pressure (HSPP).

Project(s):  Developing a Novel Method for the Determination of Metal Retention Capacity of Heavy Oil Upgrading Catalyst

Project code:  PF 061K.

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