report(s) found: 2
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Project title: Effects of secondary phase precipitation on the corrosion and cracking susceptibility of super duplex stainless steels x

Effects of secondary phase precipitation on the corrosion and cracking susceptibility of super duplex stainless steels


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ravindranath, K.

Subject(s):  Stainless steel ,  Stainless steel ,  Heat treatment ,  intermetallic phase ,  sigma phase ,  Microstructure ,  Pitting corrosion ,  المعالجة الحرارية ,  التحول في الاطوار ,  سيجما ,  البنية الدقيقة ,  التأكل النقري

Project(s):  Effects of secondary phase precipitation on the corrosion and cracking susceptibility of super duplex stainless steels

Project code:  PP 076C

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Effects of secondary phase precipitation on the corrosion and cracking susceptibility of super duplex stainless steels


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Ravindranath, Kanhirodan

Subject(s):  Rust ,  Rust ,  Deposits ,  Deposits ,  Aging ,  Microstructure ,  sigma phase ,  localization corrosion ,  Stress corrosion cracking ,  التعتيق ,  البنية الدقيقة ,  طور سيجما ,  التأكل الموضعي ,  التأكل التكسر الإجهادي

Project(s):  Effects of secondary phase precipitation on the corrosion and cracking susceptibility of super duplex stainless steels

Project code:  PP 076C

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