report(s) found: 1
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Project title: Evaluating Softening Temperature of Polystyrene/ Nanocomposites by Using Novel Approach x

Evaluating softening temperature of polystyrene/ nanocomposites by using novel approach


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Bader, N.

Subject(s):  Polymer ,  Softening ,  Atmospheric pressure ,  temperature ,  Polystyrene ,  Softening temperature ,  Nano composites ,  مركبات نانوية ,  البوليسترين ,  درجة ليونة البوليمر

Project(s):  Evaluating Softening Temperature of Polystyrene/ Nanocomposites by Using Novel Approach

Project code:  PC 032K

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