report(s) found: 1
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Project title: Inhibitor Performance Evaluation of Six Corrosion Inhibitors x

Inhibitor Performance Evaluation of Six Corrosion Inhibitors,


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Jose, Shibu.

Subject(s):  Corrision ,  Corrision ,  Corrision Test ,  Corrision Test ,  Corrision Prevention ,  Corrision Prevention ,  Kuwait Oil Company ,  Kuwait Oil Company ,  Metal Pipes ,  Metal Pipes ,  Pipes ,  Pipes ,  Kuwait Oil Company (KOC). ,  Water Injection. ,  Corrosion inhibitor ,  Wheel Test. ,  Rotating Cylinder Electrode (RFC). ,  Stirred Autoclave. ,  مثبط التآكل ,  اختبار العجلة الدوارة ,  اختبار خلية الضغط

Project(s):  Inhibitor Performance Evaluation of Six Corrosion Inhibitors

Project code:  PP 125S

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