report(s) found: 2
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Project title: Investigating The Environmental Sulfide Stress Cracking In Petroleum Industry By A Novel Fracture Mechanics Approach x

Investigating the environmental sulfide stress cracking in petroleum industry by a novel fracture mechanics approach


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Rihan, R.

Subject(s):  Environmental ,  petroleum ,  Mechanics ,  Industry ,  التصدع الإجهادي الكبريتيدي ,  غاز كبريتيد الهيدروجين (H2S) ,  نظام آلية التصدع ,  عينات الذراع الناتئ المزدوج ,  العينات المشدودة المحزوزة ,  خط الأنابيب ,  أنابيب القاع ,  معامل شدة الأجهاد الكبريتيدي الأبتدائي ,  Sulfide stress cracking ,  H2S gas, fracture mechanics ,  Circumferential notched tensile specimen ,  double cantilever beam specimen ,  Pipeline ,  Downhole tubulars, threshold sulfide stress intensity factor

Project(s):  Investigating The Environmental Sulfide Stress Cracking In Petroleum Industry By A Novel Fracture Mechanics Approach

Project code:  PP 068C

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Investigating the environmental sulfide stress cracking in petroleum industry by a novel fracture mechanics approach


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Rihan, R.

Subject(s):  Petroleum ,  Environmental ,  Industry ,  Factor ,  Sulfide stress cracking ,  H2S gas ,  Fracture mechanics method ,  Circumferential notched tensile method ,  Double cantilever beam method ,  Pipeline ,  Downhole tubulars ,  Threshold sulfide stress intensity factor

Project(s):  Investigating The Environmental Sulfide Stress Cracking In Petroleum Industry By A Novel Fracture Mechanics Approach

Project code:  PP 068C

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