report(s) found: 1
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Project title: Preparation of Hydroprocessing Catalyst from Sol-Gel Derived Large Pore Mixed Oxide Support x

Preparation of hydroprocessing catalyst from so1-gel derived large pore mixed oxide support


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al sairafi, Sakeena.

Subject(s):  Catalytic ,  Oil ,  Hydrodesulfurization. ,  Catalytic sites. ,  Sol-method. ,  نزع الكبريت بالهيدروجين ,  المحفزات المدعمة ,  تحضير "المحلول الهلامي"

Project(s):  Preparation of Hydroprocessing Catalyst from Sol-Gel Derived Large Pore Mixed Oxide Support

Project code:  PF 090K

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