report(s) found: 1
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Project title: Preperation of low Silica/Alumina ratio and free-template MFI Zeolite membranes for light hydrocarbon gas separation x

Preparation of low Silica/Alumina ratio and free-template MFI Zeolite membranes for light hydrocarbon gas separations


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension A

Contributor(s):  Perez, Andres Miguel Quesada

Subject(s):  Zeolites ,  Zeolites ,  Silica ,  Silica ,  MFI Zeolites ,  Zeolite membranes ,  dip coation ,  Secondary growth ,  زيولايت مودينايت بإيطار مقلوب ,  أغشية الزيولايت ,  طلاء بالغمس ,  النمو الثانوي

Project(s):  Preperation of low Silica/Alumina ratio and free-template MFI Zeolite membranes for light hydrocarbon gas separation

Project code:  PF 084C

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