report(s) found: 1
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Project title: Routine Core Analysis Study for Najmah Formation of Well RA-0511 x

Routine core analysis study for najmah formation of well RA-0511 / œc G. Madi, Y. Al-Mehanna.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Madi, G.

Subject(s):  Well drilling ,  Well drilling ,  Well drilling ,  Raudatain field. ,  Najmah reservoir. ,  Grain density. ,  Permeability. ,  Porosity. ,  حقل الروضتين. ,  مكمن النجمه. ,  حجم الجبيبات. ,  المسامية. ,  النفاذية.

Project(s):  Routine Core Analysis Study for Najmah Formation of Well RA-0511

Project code:  PP 123S

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