report(s) found: 1
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Project title: Routine Core Analysis for the Ratawi Limestone and Minagish Oolite Formation of Well UG-203 x

Routine core analysis for the Ratawi Limestone and Minagish Oolite formation of well UG-203,

KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Mahdi, Gamal.

Subject(s):  Rocks ,  Rocks ,  Prosity ,  Prosity ,  Permeability ,  Permeability ,  Samples ,  Samples ,  Analyses ,  Analyses ,  حقل ام غدير ,  أشعة جاما ,  مكمن رتاوي ومناقيش ,  حجم الحبيبات ,  لمسامية ,  النفاذية ,  Umm Gudair field. ,  Ratawi Limestone and Managish Oolite reservoir. Grain density. ,  Permeability.

Project(s):  Routine Core Analysis for the Ratawi Limestone and Minagish Oolite Formation of Well UG-203

Project code:  PP 105S

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