report(s) found: 489
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

Effect of water injection on the performance of ARDS process


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Fadhli, J.

Subject(s):  Numerical analysis ,  Numerical analysis ,  Water injection ,  Water injection ,  ARDS unit ,  Water Injection ,  Water-oil temperature operating envelope ,  وحدة ترقية النفوط الثقيلة ,  حقن الماء ,  الظرف التشغيلي لنسبة الماء الى اللقيم ودرجة الحرارة

Project(s):  Effect of water injection on the performance of ARDS process

Project code:  PF 102K

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Development of carbon-based membrane for separation processes - Phase II


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No.1

Contributor(s):  Alomair, A.

Subject(s):  Carbon steel ,  Carbon steel ,  Membrane ,  Membrane

Project(s):  Development of carbon-based membrane for separation processes

Project code:  PF 094C

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Integrated geological study of the Marrat formation for south east Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ferdous, H.

Subject(s):  Sedimentology ,  Lithofacies ,  Sedimentology ,  Lithofacies ,  Sedimentology ,  stratigraphy ,  sequence ,  borehole ,  image ,  Reservoir ,  علم الرواسب ,  تسلسل ,  حفرة ,  يصور ,  مكمن

Project(s):  Integrated geological study of the Marrat formation for south east Kuwait

Project code:  PP 161S

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Corrosion damage of carbon steel downhole tubular in sweet corrosion environment


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Hussain, F.

Subject(s):  Carbon steel ,  Carbon steel ,  Oil fields ,  Oil fields ,  Carbon steel ,  Sweet corrosion ,  Corrosion inhibitor ,  التآكل الحلو ,  مثبط التآكل ,  الكربون الصلب

Project(s):  Corrosion damage of carbon steel downhole tubular in sweet corrosion environment

Project code:  PP 007G

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Debottlenecking study for KOC'S- SEK gathering centers


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Jose, Shibu

Subject(s):  Crude Oil ,  Crude Oil ,  Heat exchangers ,  Heat exchangers ,  ‪‪مواصفات القيم ,  طرد الماء ,  الجهد السطحي ,  نقطة التحول ,  التآكل ,  Feed composition ,  water knockout ,  Interfacial tension ,  Inversion point ,  Corrosivity

Project(s):  Debottlenecking study for KOC'S- SEK gathering centers

Project code:  PP 075C

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Electrochemical conversion of CO² into C²+ products


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Mari, V.

Subject(s):  Electricity ,  Electricity ,  Carbon dioxide ,  Carbon dioxide ,  Electrocatalysts ,  CO² conversion ,  Ethanol ,  MXene ,  Graphene ,  N-doped proous carbon ,  المحفزات الكهربائية ,  تحويل ثاني أكسيد الكربون ,  الإثانول ,  الجرافين ,  النيتروجين المطعم بالكربون المسامي

Project(s):  Electrochemical conversion of CO² into C²+ products

Project code:  PF 105K

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In-situ scaling due to EOR-ASP interaction with sama rocks and fluids


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Mukadam, S.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Production ,  Oil ,  Chemicals ,  Scaling potential. ,  Scale inhibitors. ,  Produced water. ,  Squeeze treatment. ,  توقغات الترسبات. ,  مثبطات كلسية. ,  مياة منتجة. ,  عملية ضغط المياه.

Project(s):  In-situ scaling due to EOR-ASP interaction with sama rocks and fluids

Project code:  PP 074C

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In-situ scaling due to EOR-ASP interaction with sama rocks and fluids


KISR Report

Annual Report

Contributor(s):  Mukadam, S.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Production ,  Oil ,  Wax ,  Moisture content. ,  Disposal water. ,  Wax content. ,  Compositional anslysis. ,  Production facility. ,  محتوي الرطوبة. ,  مياه التخلص. ,  محتوى الشمع. ,  التحليل التركيبي. ,  منشأة الأنتاج.

Project(s):  In-situ scaling due to EOR-ASP interaction with sama rocks and fluids

Project code:  PP 074C

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Development of polyetherimide-mixed conductor membranes for hydrogen separation


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Alqaheem, Y.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Polymeric ,  Conductors ,  Hydrogen ,  Membrane. ,  Polymer. ,  polyetherimide. ,  Mixed conductor. ,  Hydrogen. ,  غشاء. ,  بوليمر. ,  بولي ايثير مايد. ,  موصلات مختلطة. ,  هيدروجين.

Project(s):  Development of polyetherimide-mixed conductor membranes for hydrogen separation

Project code:  PF 093C

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Chemical System for in-depth conformance control in Sama field-North Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Saleh, M.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  water ,  Materials ,  Floods ,  Enhanced oil recovery. ,  Polymer gel. ,  Rheological properties. ,  Coreflood. ,  تعزيز استخراج النفط. ,  محاليل البوليمرات. ,  الخصائص الريولوجية. ,  غمر المكمن.

Project(s):  Chemical System for in-depth conformance control in Sama field-North Kuwait

Project code:  PP 077C

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Cavitation corrosin performance of 2205 duplex stainless steel and 2507 super duplex stainless steel in sea water


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Alsalman, A.

Subject(s):  Steel ,  Stainless ,  Petroleum ,  Corrosion ,  Caviation. ,  Corrosion. ,  Seawater. ,  Microstructure. ,  Iron-based alloy. ,  Duplex stainless steel. ,  Super duplex stainless steel. ,  التجويف. ,  التآكل. ,  مياة البحر. ,  البيئة المجهرية. ,  سبائك الحديد. ,  الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ المزدوج. ,  الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ المزدوج الفائق.

Project(s):  Cavitation corrosin performance of 2205 duplex stainless steel and 2507 super duplex stainless steel in sea water

Project code:  PP008G

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A simulation study for the treatment of Kuwait sour gas by polymeric membranes


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Alqaheem, Y.

Subject(s):  Gas ,  carbon ,  Dioxide ,  Energy ,  Sour gas. ,  gas-separation membrane. ,  UniSim simulation. ,  Pipeline gas specifications. ,  الغاز الحمضي الكويتي. ,  أغشية فصل الغازات. ,  UniSim محاكاة. ,  غاز خط الأنابيب.

Project(s):  A simulation study for the treatment of Kuwait sour gas by polymeric membranes

Project code:  PF 112K

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