report(s) found: 7
Center: Petroleum Research and Studies Center x

Project title: Assessment and Control of Water Quality Parameters in Seawater Injection System (North Kuwait) x

Pigging of transfer line, sabriya and raudhatain headers north Kuwait seawater injection facility (January- December 2006)


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 7

Contributor(s):  Carew, John.

Subject(s):  Water quality ,  Pollution ,  Bacteria ,  Sea Water ,  Pigging operations. ,  North Kuwait seawater injection facility. ,  SRB. ,  GAB. ,  GAnB. ,  MIC and total suspended solids. ,  عمليات الكشط ,  معدات حقن مياه البحر في شمال الكويت ,  بكتريا مختزلة للكبريت ,  بكتريا هوائية ,  تآكل ميكروبي ,  مجموع الأجسام الصلبة المعلقة

Project(s):  Assessment and Control of Water Quality Parameters in Seawater Injection System (North Kuwait)

Project code:  PP 023C

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Corrosion assessment of parameters in sewater injection system.


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Carew, John.

Subject(s):  Seawater injection. ,  Corrosivity. ,  Rates. ,  Linear polarization resistance. ,  Weight loss coupon.

Project(s):  Assessment and Control of Water Quality Parameters in Seawater Injection System (North Kuwait)

Project code:  PP 023C

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Bacteria contamination in the north Kuwait seawater injection system (2003-2005).


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Carew, John.

Subject(s):  North Kuwait Seawater Injection System. ,  Planktonic. ,  Sessile Sulphate reducing bacteria. ,  Pigging operations.

Project(s):  Assessment and Control of Water Quality Parameters in Seawater Injection System (North Kuwait)

Project code:  PP 023C

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Seawater break- through, bacterial contamination, and residual biocide of producing wells in Sabriyah and Raudhatain oil fields.(Summary Report 2004- 2006).


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 8

Contributor(s):  Carew, John.

Subject(s):  Seawater ,  Bacterial growth ,  Oil wells ,  Seawater break- through. ,  Bacteria contamination. ,  Residual biocide. ,  Sabriya and Raudhatain oil fields. ,  Producer oil wells and injection water system. ,  اختراق مياه البحر المحقونة ,  التلوث البكتيري ,  مثبطات النمو البكتيري المتبقية ,  حقلي نفط الروضتين والصابرية ,  ابار النفط المنتجة ونظام حقن المياه

Project(s):  Assessment and Control of Water Quality Parameters in Seawater Injection System (North Kuwait)

Project code:  PP 023C

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Control of water quality parameters and bacteria infestation in seawater injection system, North Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 6

Contributor(s):  Carew, John.

Subject(s):  Water ,  WAter quality ,  Bacteria ,  Sea Water ,  Water quality ,  Sampling and analysis program ,  Sabriya and raudhatain oil field ,  Seawater treatment plant ,  Bacterial infestation ,  Coolonies of SRB and aerobic bacteria ,  جودة المياه ,  برنامج تجميع وتحليل العينات ,  حقلي نفط الصابرية والروضتين ,  محطة معالجة مياه البحر ,  التأثير البكتيري ,  مستعمرات البكتيريا المختزلة للكبريت والبكتيريا الهوائية

Project(s):  Assessment and Control of Water Quality Parameters in Seawater Injection System (North Kuwait)

Project code:  PP 023C

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Seawater injection system corrosion assessment


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 5

Contributor(s):  Carew, John

Subject(s):  Corrosion ,  Sea Water ,  Electrode ,  Hydrogen sulfide ,  Seawater injection ,  Subiya and sabriya plants ,  Corrosion assessment ,  Weight loss coupons ,  linear polarisation resistance ,  حقن مياه البحر ,  محتطي الصبية والصابرية ,  تقييم عملية التآكل ,  صفائح التآكل ,  مقاومة الأستقطاب

Project(s):  Assessment and Control of Water Quality Parameters in Seawater Injection System (North Kuwait)

Project code:  PP 023C

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Assessment and control of water quality parameters in seawater injection system (North Kuwait)


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Carew, John.

Subject(s):  Pigging operation ,  SRB ,  GAB ,  GAnB ,  MIC and total suspended soil

Project(s):  Assessment and Control of Water Quality Parameters in Seawater Injection System (North Kuwait)

Project code:  PP 023C

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