report(s) found: 1
Center: Petroleum Research and Studies Center x

Project title: Characterization of Polymer Compositions Developed as Sand Consolidation Materials in Oil Wells x

Characterization of polymer compositions developed as sand consolidation materials in oil wells


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Lahalih, Shawqi.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Sand ,  Sand ,  Sand Consolidation. ,  Compressive Strength. ,  Polymer Compositions. ,  Polymer Treatments of Weak Oil. ,  تثبيت الرمل ,  قوة التحمل الضاغطة ,  طبقات جوفية ضعيفة التركيب ,  معالجة البيمرات للطبقات الضعيفة المنتجة للبترول

Project(s):  Characterization of Polymer Compositions Developed as Sand Consolidation Materials in Oil Wells

Project code:  PC005C

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