report(s) found: 8
Center: Petroleum Research and Studies Center x

Project title: Compositional Analysis of Kerosene and Diesel Fractions from Kuwaiti Crude x

Compositional analysis of kerosene and diesel fractions of Kuwait crude


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Michael, G.

Subject(s):  Middle distillates. ,  Kerosene. ,  Diesel. ,  True boiling point distillations. ,  Refinery streams. ,  Elution chromatography. ,  Supercritical fluied chromatography. ,  Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. ,  Mass spectroscopy. ,  Computer data base.

Project(s):  Compositional Analysis of Kerosene and Diesel Fractions from Kuwaiti Crude

Project code:  PF 015C

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Separation of sulfur compounds from a Kuwaiti diesel fraction by ligand exchange chromatography.


KISR Report

Technical Report no. 3

Contributor(s):  Michael, G.

Subject(s):  Ligand exchange chromotography. ,  Sulfur compounds. ,  Palladium. ,  Iron. ,  Copper. ,  Silver. ,  Tin.

Project(s):  Compositional Analysis of Kerosene and Diesel Fractions from Kuwaiti Crude

Project code:  PF 015C

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Elucidation of a verage molecular structure of Kuwait middle distillate fractions by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Abdullah, H.A.

Subject(s):  Nonaromatics. ,  Aromatics. ,  Polyaromatics. ,  Elution chromatography. ,  Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. ,  Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. ,  Molecular weight. ,  Elemental composition. ,  Average molecular parameters. ,  Average molecular structure.

Project(s):  Compositional Analysis of Kerosene and Diesel Fractions from Kuwaiti Crude

Project code:  PF 015C

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Operating manual distillation units pilot plant.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Dashti, A.

Subject(s):  Distillation unit operation. ,  Safety.

Project(s):  Compositional Analysis of Kerosene and Diesel Fractions from Kuwaiti Crude

Project code:  PF 015C

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Examination of samples of spare parts


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ravindranath, Kanhirodan.

Subject(s):  Engineering equipment ,  Samples ,  Spare parts ,  Specifications ,  Material verification. ,  Microstructure. ,  Tensile property. ,  Martensite.

Project(s):  Compositional Analysis of Kerosene and Diesel Fractions from Kuwaiti Crude

Project code:  PF 014S

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Compositional analysis of kerosene and diesel fractions of Kuwait crude


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Michael, G.

Subject(s):  Chromatography. ,  Neclear magnetic resonance. ,  Mass spectrum.

Project(s):  Compositional Analysis of Kerosene and Diesel Fractions from Kuwaiti Crude

Project code:  PF 015C

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Characterization and comparison of the kerosene and diesel fractions generated by pilot plant distillations and sampled from refinery streams.


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Michael, G.

Subject(s):  Compositional analysis. ,  Middle distillates. ,  True boiling. ,  Point distillations. ,  Chromatographic separations.

Project(s):  Compositional Analysis of Kerosene and Diesel Fractions from Kuwaiti Crude

Project code:  PF 015C

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Compositional analysis of the kerosene and diesel fractions of Kuwaiti crude


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Michael, G.

Subject(s):  Ligand exchange chromatography. ,  Sulfur compounds. ,  Palladium.

Project(s):  Compositional Analysis of Kerosene and Diesel Fractions from Kuwaiti Crude

Project code:  PF 015C

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