report(s) found: 1
Center: Petroleum Research and Studies Center x

Project title: Control of Seawater Quality for Injection System in North Kuwait Oil Field. (Under Kisr KOC Contract No. 12050860) x

Control of Seawater quality for injection system in north Kuwait Oil field. (under Kisr KOC contract No. 12050860).


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 4

Contributor(s):  Dabir, Maqsood.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Seawater ,  Underground water ,  Petroleum ,  Chemicals ,  Hydrogen sulfide ,  Enhancement of Oil recovery. ,  Solids generation. ,  Sabriya and Raudhatain oil fields. ,  Producer oil wells. ,  Seawater injection. ,  Biofilm model. ,  Pigging operation. ,  Compatibility of produced and formation water. ,  تعزيز انتاج النفط ,  تشكل المواد الصلبة ,  حقلي نفط الصابرية والروضتين ,  المنتجةالأبار ,  حقن مياه البحر ,  نموذج الغشاء الحيوي ,  عملية التنظيف ,  توافق المياه الجوفية مع المياه المصاحبة

Project(s):  Control of Seawater Quality for Injection System in North Kuwait Oil Field. (Under Kisr KOC Contract No. 12050860)

Project code:  PP 117S

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