report(s) found: 2
Center: RCEF x

Project title: Asphaltenes Chemical Transformation During the Thermal Cracking of Residual Oils x

Asphaltenes chemical transformation during the thermal cracking of residual oils


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Al Humaidan, Faisal.

Subject(s):  Cracks ,  Cracks ,  Nuclear ,  Nuclear ,  vacuum residue. ,  Thermal Cracking. ,  Asphaltene. ,  Characterization. ,  التكسير الحراري ,  مخلفات البترول ,  مركب الأسفلتين

Project(s):  Asphaltenes Chemical Transformation During the Thermal Cracking of Residual Oils

Project code:  PF 058K

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Asphaltenes chemical transformation during the thermal cracking of residual oils


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Humaidan, Faisal.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Nuclear ,  Nuclear ,  X-ray Diffraction. ,  Nuclear magnetic resonance. ,  التكسير الحراري ,  الاسفلتين ,  حيود الأشعة السينية ,  الرنين المغناطيسي النووي

Project(s):  Asphaltenes Chemical Transformation During the Thermal Cracking of Residual Oils

Project code:  PF 058K

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