report(s) found: 1
Center: Techno-Economics Division x

Project title: Demand for Meat Products in Kuwait and the Effects of Price Increases on Consumer Walfare x

Demand for meat products in Kuwait and the effects of price increases on consumer walfare


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Bushehri, Mahmoud A.M.

Subject(s):  Meat ,  Meat ,  Meat industry and trade ,  Rotterdam model. ,  Price elasticity of demand. ,  Cross-price elasticities. ,  Hypothentical price increase. ,  نموذج روتردام ,  المرونة السريعة للطلب ,  المرونات التبادلية ,  فرضية زيادة الأسعار

Project(s):  Demand for Meat Products in Kuwait and the Effects of Price Increases on Consumer Walfare

Project code:  TQ 011C

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