report(s) found: 5
Center: Techno-Economics Division x

Project title: Examining and Informing Public Policy to Meet the Challenge of Global Warming in Kuwait x

Global Warming Scenarios and food security inKuwait :


KISR Report

Technical Report No.1

Contributor(s):  Gelan, A.

Subject(s):  Air ,  Air ,  Climatic change ,  Climatic change ,  الاحتباس الحراري العالمي ,  التغير المناخي ,  الكويت ,  Global warming ,  Food Security ,  Climate change ,  Kuwait

Project(s):  Examining and Informing Public Policy to Meet the Challenge of Global Warming in Kuwait

Project code:  TE 058C

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Greenhouse Emissions' inventory for the state of Kuwait, Baseline year 2015 :


KISR Report

Technical Report No.2

Contributor(s):  Gelan, A.

Subject(s):  Global Warming ,  Global Warming ,  Climatic changes ,  Climatic changes ,  انبعاث الغازات الدفينة ,  مخزون ,  التغير المناخي ,  الأحتباس الحراري ,  الكويت

Project(s):  Examining and Informing Public Policy to Meet the Challenge of Global Warming in Kuwait

Project code:  TE 058C

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Wealth accounting and long-term prosperity in Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Atkinson, G.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Economy ,  Economic growth ,  Data ,  المواد الطبيعية ,  رأس المال الطبيعي ,  محاسبة الثروات ,  صافي المدخرات الوطنية ,  الأستدامة ,  النضوب ,  Natural resource ,  Natural capital ,  Wealth accounting ,  Net national savings ,  Sustainability ,  Depletion

Project(s):  Examining and Informing Public Policy to Meet the Challenge of Global Warming in Kuwait

Project code:  TE 058C

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Examining and informing public policy to meet the challenge of global warming in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Gelan, Ayele

Subject(s):  Economy ,  Economy ,  Budget ,  budget ,  GHG emissions ,  inventory ,  IPCC ,  Climate change ,  global warning ,  Kuwait ,  انبعاثات الغازات الدفيئة ,  مخزون ,  التغير المناخي ,  الاحتباس الحراري ,  الكويت

Project(s):  Examining and Informing Public Policy to Meet the Challenge of Global Warming in Kuwait

Project code:  TE 058C

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Examining and information public policy to meet the challenge of global warming in Kuwait /


KISR Report

Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Gelan, A.

Subject(s):  Economy ,  Economy ,  Budget ,  budget ,  المحاسبة البيئية والثروة الطبيعية ,  سياسة بيئية ,  تنمية مستدامة ,  الاقتصاد الكويتي ,  wealth and environmental accounting ,  Environment policy ,  Sustainable development ,  Kuwait economy ,  Natural resources ,  Extraction

Project(s):  Examining and Informing Public Policy to Meet the Challenge of Global Warming in Kuwait

Project code:  TE 058C

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