report(s) found: 5
Center: Techno-Economics Division x

Project title: Restructuring the Industrial Incentive System in Kuwait x

A Proposed (New) industrial incentive system for Kuwait : Restrucuring of the industrial incentive system in Kuwait ,


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 4

Contributor(s):  Mahmood, Zafar.

Subject(s):  Industrial Policy ,  Industrial Policy ,  Industrial ,  Industrial ,  Government intervention. ,  Industrial policy. ,  Sustem appraisal. ,  التدخل الحكومي ,  السياسة الصناعية ,  تقييم نظام الحوافز الصتاعية

Project(s):  Restructuring the Industrial Incentive System in Kuwait

Project code:  TE 032C

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Restructuring of industrial incentive system for Kuwait : a critical review of international experience concerning industrial strategies and Kuwait's international trade agreement.


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Burney, N.

Subject(s):  Industrial policies. ,  Regional and global agreements. ,  Import-substitution strategies.

Project(s):  Restructuring the Industrial Incentive System in Kuwait

Project code:  TE 032C

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Restructuring of industrial incentive system for Kuwait :


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Enezi, Mahammed.

Subject(s):  Industrial restructuring. ,  Industrial incentives. ,  Effective rates of protection.

Project(s):  Restructuring the Industrial Incentive System in Kuwait

Project code:  TE 032C

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Restructuring of industrial incentive system for Kuwait :


KISR Report

Technical Report NO. 3

Contributor(s):  Burney, N.

Subject(s):  Productivity.

Project(s):  Restructuring the Industrial Incentive System in Kuwait

Project code:  TE 032C

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اعادة هيكلة نظام الحوافز الصناعية بدولة الكويت


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  العنزي، محمد

Subject(s):  نظام الحوافز ,  السياسة الصناعية ,  الخطة التشغيلية ,  تحليل الاثار

Project(s):  Restructuring the Industrial Incentive System in Kuwait

Project code:  TE 032C

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