report(s) found: 1
Center: Water Research Center x

Project title: Establishment of a database on the physical, biological and chemical characteristics of seawater intake of Kuwaiti desalination plants x

Establishment of a database on the physical, biological and chemical characteristics of seawater intake of Kuwaiti desalination plants


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Salman, Maha

Subject(s):  Seawater Desalination ,  Seawater Desalination ,  Corrosion ,  Corrosion ,  Water quality ,  Water quality ,  مشاكل تشغيلية ,  الأملاح الكليةالذائبة ,  درجة الحموضة ,  الإنسداد العضوي ,  الإنسداد الغير عضوي ,  الترسبات ,  التآكل ,  Operational problems ,  Total dissolved solids ,  PH ,  Organic fouling ,  In- organic fouling ,  Scale ,  Corrosion

Project(s):  Establishment of a database on the physical, biological and chemical characteristics of seawater intake of Kuwaiti desalination plants

Project code:  WT 043K

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