report(s) found: 2
Center: Water Research Center x

Project title: Estimating the Quantity and Quality of Groundwater for Al-Abdaliyah Plant Use x

Estimating the quantity and quality of groundwater for Al Abdaliyah plant use.


KISR Report

Revised Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Aliewi, Amjad.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ,  Water salinization ,  Wells ,  Solar energy ,  Electric power ,  هيدرولوجي ,  ملوحة ,  مكمن الدمام ,  أختبار الضخ ,  Groundwater potential. ,  Salinity. ,  Dammam aquifer. ,  Pumping test.

Project(s):  Estimating the Quantity and Quality of Groundwater for Al-Abdaliyah Plant Use

Project code:  WM 094S

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Estimating the quantity and quality of groundwater for Al Abdaliyah plant use.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Aliewi, Amjad.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ,  Water salinization ,  Wells ,  Solar energy ,  Electric power ,  هيدرولوجي ,  ملوحة ,  مكمن الدمام ,  اختبار الضخ ,  Groundwater potential. ,  Salinity. ,  Dquife.

Project(s):  Estimating the Quantity and Quality of Groundwater for Al-Abdaliyah Plant Use

Project code:  WM 094S

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