report(s) found: 5
Center: Water Research Center x

Project title: Treatment of Oilfield Produced Water Using Adsorption Desalination Technology : Lab-Scale Investigation x

Treatment of oilfield produced water using adsorption desalinatiion (AD) technology:


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Nuwaibit, Ghada.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Oil ,  Adsorbent. ,  Evaporation. ,  Condensation. ,  Silica gel. ,  Adsorption cycle. ,  Produced water. ,  Zero Liquid Discharge. ,  ممتز ,  تبخير ,  تكثيف ,  سيلكات هلامية ,  دورة الأمتصاص ,  مياة منتجة ,  بدون سوائل عادمة

Project(s):  Treatment of Oilfield Produced Water Using Adsorption Desalination Technology : Lab-Scale Investigation

Project code:  WT 039K

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Treatment of oil field produced water using adsorption desalination (AD) technology :


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Nuwaibit, Ghada.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Liquid ,  Adsorbent. ,  Evaporation. ,  Condensation. ,  Silica gel. ,  Produced water. ,  Zero Liquid Discharge. ,  ممتز ,  تبخير ,  تكثيف ,  سيلكات هلامية ,  دورة الامتصاص ,  مياه منتجة ,  بدون سوائل عادمة

Project(s):  Treatment of Oilfield Produced Water Using Adsorption Desalination Technology : Lab-Scale Investigation

Project code:  WT 039K

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Treatment of oilfield produced water using adsorption desalination (AD) technology: lab- scale investigation Volume II /


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Al Nuwaibit, Ghada

Subject(s):  Water ,  Adsorption ,  temperature ,  Water treatment ,  ممتز ,  تبخير ,  تكثيف ,  سيلكات هلامية ,  دورة الأمتصاص ,  مياه منتجة ,  بدون سوائل عائمة ,  Adsorbent ,  Evaporation ,  Condensation ,  Silica gel ,  Adsorption cycle ,  Produced water ,  Zero Liquid Discharge

Project(s):  Treatment of Oilfield Produced Water Using Adsorption Desalination Technology : Lab-Scale Investigation

Project code:  WT 039K

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Treatment of oilfield produced Water using adsorption desalination (AD) technology: lab- scale investigation. /


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Attia, Nagla.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Desalination ,  Oil fields ,  Temperatures ,  Water treatment ,  ممتز ,  تبخير ,  تكثيف ,  سيلكات هلامية ,  دورة الأمتصاص ,  مياه منتجة ,  بدون سوائل عادمة ,  Adsorbent. ,  Evaporation. ,  Condensation. ,  Silica gel. ,  Adsorption cycle. ,  Produced water. ,  Zero Liquid Discharge.

Project(s):  Treatment of Oilfield Produced Water Using Adsorption Desalination Technology : Lab-Scale Investigation

Project code:  WT 039K

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Treatment of oil field produced water using adsorption desalination (AD) technology :


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Al Nuwaibit, G.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Liquid ,  Adsorbent. ,  Evaporation. ,  Condensation. ,  Silica gel. ,  Adsorption cycle. ,  Produced water. ,  Zero Liquid Discharge. ,  ممتز ,  تبخير ,  تكثيف ,  سيلكات هلامية ,  دورة الأمتصاص ,  مياة الأمتصاص ,  مياة منتجة ,  بدون سوائل عادمة

Project(s):  Treatment of Oilfield Produced Water Using Adsorption Desalination Technology : Lab-Scale Investigation

Project code:  WT 039K

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