report(s) found: 358
Center: Water Research Center x

Investigation of plate heat exchanger applications in multiple effect distillation :


KISR Report

Amendment/ Extension 'B'

Contributor(s):  Al Nuwaibit, Ghada.

Subject(s):  Water desalination ,  Evaporation ,  Liquids ,  Modeling ,  نمذجة ,  أختبارات ,  تبخير ,  معامل الأنتقال الحراري ,  زيادة التصميم ,  تقطير المياه ,  Modeling testing. ,  Evaporation ,  Fouling ,  Heat Transfer Coefficient. ,  Overdesign. ,  Distillation.

Project(s):  Investigation of Plate Heat Exchanger Applications in Multiple Effect Distillation: A Bench Scale Study

Project code:  WT 029C

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Field assessment of the use of ro-treated wastewater for artificial recharge of Dammam formation aquifer in Kuwait /


KISR Report

Amendment/Extiention 'B'

Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha.

Subject(s):  Water conservation ,  Water conservation ,  Artificial groundwater recharge ,  Artificial groundwater recharge

Project(s):  Field Assessment of the Use of RO-Treated Wastewater for Artificial Recharge of Dammam Formation Aquifer in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 037C

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Field assessment of the use of ro-treated wastewater for artificial recharge of Dammam formation aquifer in Kuwait, /


KISR Report

Amendment/ Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha.

Subject(s):  Wastewater ,  Wastewater treatment ,  Reservoir ,  Pipes ,  Research ,  تخزين واسترجاع المياة من المكمن ,  أداء الحقن ,  كفاءة الأسترجاع ,  نمذجة المكمن ,  تقنية إدارة المياة ,  Aquifer storage and recovery(ASR). ,  Injection performance. ,  Recovery efficiency. ,  Aquifer modeling. ,  Water management technology.

Project(s):  Field Assessment of the Use of RO-Treated Wastewater for Artificial Recharge of Dammam Formation Aquifer in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 037C

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Bench scale studies to improve the quality of conventional septic tank effluent /


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Shahalam, Abu Al Bashar.

Subject(s):  Wastewater ,  Wastewater ,  Irrigation ,  Irrigation ,  Smal-scale wastewater treatment. ,  Add-on system. ,  Treated-effulent quality. ,  Reuse in irrigation. ,  نظم صغيرة لمعالجة مياة الصرف الصحي ,  نظام مضاف ,  جودة المياة المعالجة ,  اعادة الاستخدام في الزراعة

Project(s):  Bench Scale Studies to Improve the Quality of Conventional Septic Tank Effluent

Project code:  WT 027C

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Design of a national groundwater monitoring network in Kuwait/


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Akbar, A.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Aquifer ,  Quality ,  chemical constituents ,  Microbial contamination

Project(s):  Design of a National Groundwater Monitoring Network for Kuwait

Project code:  WM036C

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Treatment of oil field produced water using adsorption desalination (AD) technology :


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Al Nuwaibit, G.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Liquid ,  Adsorbent. ,  Evaporation. ,  Condensation. ,  Silica gel. ,  Adsorption cycle. ,  Produced water. ,  Zero Liquid Discharge. ,  ممتز ,  تبخير ,  تكثيف ,  سيلكات هلامية ,  دورة الأمتصاص ,  مياة الأمتصاص ,  مياة منتجة ,  بدون سوائل عادمة

Project(s):  Treatment of Oilfield Produced Water Using Adsorption Desalination Technology : Lab-Scale Investigation

Project code:  WT 039K

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Assessment and Prediction of Urbanization impacts on subsurface groundwater levels and quality in Kuwait. /


KISR Report

Amendment/ Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al-Murad, M.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ,  Urbanization ,  Architecture ,  Aquifers ,  أرتفاع منسوب المياة الحرة ,  مياه جوفية ,  نموذج رياضي ,  مراقبة ,  إحصاء جيولوجي ,  Water table rise. ,  Numerical modeling. ,  Monitoring. ,  Geostatistics.

Project(s):  Assessment and Prediction of Urbanization Impacts on Subsurface Groundwater Levels and Quality in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 047C

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Assessment of groundwater quality change in water fields of Kuwait /


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Rashid, T.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Groundwater ,  Groundwater ,  البيانات الهيدروكيميائية ,  الأملاح الكلية الذاتية ,  قليل الملوحة ,  مكمن مجموعة الكويت ,  مكمن تكوين الدمام ,  الدلمتة العكسية ,  Hydrochemical data ,  Total dissolved solids ,  Brackish ,  Kuwait group aquifer ,  Damam formation

Project(s):  Assessment of Groundwater Quality Change in Water Fields of Kuwait

Project code:  WM 069C

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Investigation of plate heat exchanger applications in multiple effect distilation :


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 5

Contributor(s):  Al Nuwaibit, G.

Subject(s):  Desalination ,  Heat ,  Modeling. ,  Testing. ,  Evaporation. ,  Fouling. ,  Heat Transfer Coefficient. ,  Overdesign. ,  نمذجة رياضية ,  اختبارات ,  تبخير ,  اتساخ ,  معامل الأنتقال الحراري ,  زيادة الصميم

Project(s):  Investigation of Plate Heat Exchanger Applications in Multiple Effect Distillation: A Bench Scale Study

Project code:  WT 029C

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Assessment of the potential impacts of oil production produced Water on the groundwater and the Agricultural crops in Al Wafra area. /


KISR Report

Amendment/ Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al-Murad, M.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Groundwater ,  Farmers ,  Agricultural crops ,  Soil ,  Fish ,  Plants ,  Fodder ,  Petroleum ,  حقل نفطي ,  بركة تبخير ,  هيدرولوجي ,  خصائص ,  نمذجة ,  كمي ,  كيفي ,  Oil field ,  Evaporation pond. ,  Hydrological. ,  Characteristics. ,  Modeling.

Project(s):  Assessment ot the Potential Impacts of Oil Production Related Produced Water on the Groundwater and the Agricultural Crops in Al-Wafra Area

Project code:  WM 048C

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Assessment of the Hydrological and Hydrochemical interaction between the main aquifers in southern Kuwait,/


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Hadi, Khalid.

Subject(s):  Water ,  WAter quality ,  Underground water ,  Fresh water ,  Reservoir ,  Wells ,  تكوين الدمام ,  مجموعة الكويت ,  نوعية المياه الجوفية ,  أ ختبارات الضخ ,  أختبارات المتعقبات ,  Dammam Formation. ,  Kuwait group. ,  Groundwater Quality. ,  Pumping tests. ,  Tracer tests.

Project(s):  Assessment of the Hydrological and Hydrochemical Interaction bertveen the Main Aquifers in Southern Kuwait

Project code:  WM 033C

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Fabrication of fouling control forward osmosis membranes for Kuwait seawater desalination /


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Rajesh, Kumar.

Subject(s):  Salt ,  Salt ,  Water ,  Water

Project(s):  Fabrication of Fouling Control Forward Osmosis Membranes for Kuwait Seawater Desalination

Project code:  WT 044K

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