report(s) found: 358
Center: Water Research Center x

Investigation of plate heat exchanger applications in multiple effect distilation: a bench scale study


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Nuwaibit, G.

Subject(s):  Desalination ,  Desalination ,  Heat ,  Heat

Project(s):  Investigation of plate heat exchanger applications in multiple effect distilation: a bench scale study

Project code:  WT 029C

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Investigation of plate heat exchanger applications in multiple effect distilation: a bench scale study


Investigation of plate heat exchanger applications in multiple effect distilation: a bench scale study

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Nuwaibit, G.

Subject(s):  Desalination ,  Desalination ,  Heat ,  Heat

Project(s):  Investigation of plate heat exchanger applications in multiple effect distilation: a bench scale study

Project code:  WT 029C

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Assessment of viability and efficiency of two forward osmosis membrane technologies for Seawater desalination-pilot plant scale


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, M.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Desalination ,  Environment ,  Energy ,  Desalination ,  Draw solution ,  Osmotic pressure ,  Internal concentration polarization ,  Salt flux index ,  water flux index ,  تحليل المياه ,  محاليل ساحبة ,  ضغط اسموزي ,  تراكيز أستقطابية داخلية ,  معامل نفاذية الأملاح ,  معامل نفاذية المياه

Project(s):  Assessment of viability and Efficiency of Two Forward Osmosis Membrane Technologies for Seawater Desalination-Pilot Plant Scale

Project code:  WT 041C

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Pilot Scale Feasibility study of the recovery of water from unsaturated zone in Kuwait


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Akber, Adnan.

Subject(s):  Water security ,  Water security ,  Climatic change ,  Climatic change ,  النطاق غير المشبع ,  استرداد الرطوبة ,  بئر اختبار ,  مجسمات التربة ,  نموذج أولي

Project(s):  Pilot Scale Feasibility study of the recovery of water from unsaturated zone in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 071C

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Sustainability of industrial wastewater treatment using microbial fuel cell


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Al Matouq, A.

Subject(s):  Cell ,  Fuel ,  Wastewater ,  Industrial ,  Diary factories. ,  Electricity. ,  Refineries. ,  Detergents. ,  Soft drinks. ,  مصانع الألبان. ,  كهرباء. ,  مصافي البترول. ,  منظفات. ,  مشروبات غازية.

Project(s):  Sustainability of industrial wastewater treatment using microbial fuel cell

Project code:  WT066C

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Assessment and mapping of fugitive gases contamination in groundwater aquifers near Kuwait oil fields

KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Chidambaram, S.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Gas ,  Groundwater ,  Metals ,  Investigation. ,  Oil fields. ,  Fugitive gas. ,  Stable Isotopes. ,  Noble gases. ,  دراسة. ,  حقل نفطي. ,  هاربة. ,  نظائر مستقرة. ,  غازات نبيلة.

Project(s):  Assessment and mapping of fugitive gases contamination in groundwater aquifers near Kuwait oil fields

Project code:  WM082K

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Updating and mapping of the chemical properties of groundwater


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Sadeqi, D.

Subject(s):  Chemical ,  Groundwater ,  Health ,  Quality ,  Scareity. ,  Health. ,  Classification. ,  Trends. ,  شح. ,  سلامة. ,  تصنيف. ,  أنماط.

Project(s):  Updating and mapping of the chemical properties of groundwater

Project code:  WM023G

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Establishment of central seawater desalination plant for the production of high quality freshwater at KISR


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension "A"

Contributor(s):  Al Odwani, A.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Production ,  Plant ,  Performance ,  Water shortages. ,  Permanent solution. ,  Performance. ,  Reliability. ,  Design. ,  Membrane. ,  integrated solution. ,  Installation. ,  Operation. ,  Quality control. ,  نقص المياه. ,  حل دائم. ,  أداء. ,  اعتمادية. ,  تصميم. ,  أغشية. ,  حل متكامل. ,  تركيب. ,  تشغيل. ,  ضبط الجودة.

Project(s):  Establishment of central seawater desalination plant for the production of high quality freshwater at KISR

Project code:  WT 064K

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Assessment of viability and efficiency of two forward osmosis membrane technologies for seawater desalination-pilot plant scale

KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, M.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Energy ,  Environment ,  Desalination ,  Draw solution. ,  Internal concentration polarization. ,  water recovery. ,  Energy Consumption. ,  محاول السحب. ,  استقطاب التركيز الداخلي. ,  استخلاص المياة. ,  استهلاك الطاقة.

Project(s):  Assessment of viability and efficiency of two forward osmosis membrane technologies for seawater desalination-pilot plant scale

Project code:  WT 041C

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Assessment of viability and efficiency of two forward osmosis membrane technologies for seawater desalination-pilot plant scale


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, M.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  water ,  Desalination ,  Environment ,  Draw solution. ,  Internal concentration polarization. ,  water recovery. ,  Energy Consumption. ,  محاول السحب. ,  استقطاب التركيز الداخلي. ,  استخلاص المياة. ,  استهلاك الطاقة.

Project(s):  Assessment of viability and efficiency of two forward osmosis membrane technologies for seawater desalination-pilot plant scale

Project code:  WT 041C

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Effect of Revers Osmosis Units' Brine Reject from Agricultural Farms in Kuwait on groundwater quality and levels


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Bhandary, H.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ,  Groundwater ,  Brackish water ,  Brackish water ,  النمذجة الرقمية ,  النمذجة الجيوكيميائية ,  ملوحة ,  السجلات ,  الجيوفيزيائية ,  النموذج الأولي ,  Numerical modeling ,  Geochemical Modeling ,  Salinity ,  geophysical logging ,  Conceptual model

Project(s):  Effect of Revers Osmosis Units' Brine Reject from Agricultural Farms in Kuwait on groundwater quality and levels

Project code:  WM 077C

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Water resources for agriculture :


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Abdallah, Hussain.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Food ,  Management ,  Production ,  Integrated farms. ,  Water. ,  Wastewater. ,  reuse. ,  Recycle. ,  Productivity. ,  المزارع المتكاملة. ,  المياة العادمة. ,  اعادة الأستخدام. ,  اعادة التدوير. ,  الانتاجية.

Project(s):  Water resources for agriculture under the umbrella of GI project "pilot study for utilization of modern technologies in sustainable local food production in support of Kuwait's food security"

Project code:  P-KISR-17-06

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