report(s) found: 1
Center: Water Resources Division x

Project title: A Study on the Identification and Control of Filamentous Bacteria in Wastewater Treatment Plants in Kuwait x

A study on the identification and control of filamentous bacteria wastewater treatment plants in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Abusam, Abdulla.

Subject(s):  Bacteria ,  Bacteria ,  Water ,  Water ,  Activated sludge. ,  Bulking foaming effluent. ,  Quality control. ,  الحمأة المنشطة ,  انتفاخ الحمأة ,  رغوة ,  المياة المعالجة ,  ضبط جودة

Project(s):  A Study on the Identification and Control of Filamentous Bacteria in Wastewater Treatment Plants in Kuwait

Project code:  WT 025K

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