report(s) found: 3
Center: Water Resources Division x

Project title: Feasibility of an Innovative Improvement of the MSF Process x

Feasibility of an innovative improvement of the MSF process


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Subject(s):  Seawater. ,  Distillation. ,  Process performance. ,  Brine heater. ,  Flashing range.

Project(s):  Feasibility of an Innovative Improvement of the MSF Process

Project code:  WT 001C

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Feasibility of an innovative improvement of the MSF process


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  El-Sayed, E.

Subject(s):  Seawater. ,  Distillation. ,  Process performance. ,  Brine heater. ,  Flashing range. ,  Heat rejection. ,  Vapor compression.

Project(s):  Feasibility of an Innovative Improvement of the MSF Process

Project code:  WT 001C

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Feasibility of an innovative improvement of the MSF process


KISR Report

Final Report

Subject(s):  MSF-MED integration. ,  Vapor compression. ,  Modification. ,  Design. ,  Thermodynamic losses.

Project(s):  Feasibility of an Innovative Improvement of the MSF Process

Project code:  WT 001C

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