report(s) found: 6
Center: Water Resources Division x

Project title: Laboratory Investigation on the Compatibility of the Desalinated Water and RO Processed Treated Wastewater with the Kuwait Group Aquifer x

Laboratory investigations of the compatibility of the desalinated water and ro-processed treated wastewater with the Kuwait group aquifer


KISR Report

Final report

Subject(s):  Petrographic investigation. ,  Artificial reecharge. ,  Porosimetry. ,  Core flow tests. ,  Geochemical simulation.

Project(s):  Laboratory Investigation on the Compatibility of the Desalinated Water and RO Processed Treated Wastewater with the Kuwait Group Aquifer

Project code:  WH 010C

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Laboratory investigation of the compatibility of the desalinated water and roprocessed treated wastewater with the Kuwait group aquifer


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Subject(s):  Artificial recharge. ,  Petrographic investigation. ,  Geochemical simulation. ,  Porosimetry.

Project(s):  Laboratory Investigation on the Compatibility of the Desalinated Water and RO Processed Treated Wastewater with the Kuwait Group Aquifer

Project code:  WH 010C

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Laboratory investigations of the compatibility of the desalinated water and ro-processed treated wastewater with the Kuwait group aquifer


KISR Report

Amendment "A"

Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, A.

Subject(s):  Artificial recharge. ,  Petrographic investigation. ,  Porosimetry. ,  Core flow tests.

Project(s):  Laboratory Investigation on the Compatibility of the Desalinated Water and RO Processed Treated Wastewater with the Kuwait Group Aquifer

Project code:  WH 010C

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Laboratory investigation of the compatibility of desalinated water and reverse osmosis processed treated wastewater with the kuwait group aquifer


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, A.

Subject(s):  Artificial recharge. ,  Laboratory study. ,  Porosity. ,  Permealibity. ,  Native water.

Project(s):  Laboratory Investigation on the Compatibility of the Desalinated Water and RO Processed Treated Wastewater with the Kuwait Group Aquifer

Project code:  WH 010C

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Laboratory investigations of the compatibility of the desalinated water and ro-processed treated wastewater with the Kuwait group aquifer


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Subject(s):  Artificial recharge. ,  Petrographic investigation. ,  Porosimetry. ,  Core flow tests.

Project(s):  Laboratory Investigation on the Compatibility of the Desalinated Water and RO Processed Treated Wastewater with the Kuwait Group Aquifer

Project code:  WH 010C

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Feasibility of Aquifer Characterization of Asr Sites Using Surface Geophysical Methods A desktop Study.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, A.

Subject(s):  Aquifer storage and recovery ,  Groundwater injection ; modeling ,  مصادر المياه الجوفية ; التقنية الزمنية الكهرومغناطيسية ; النمذجة المتقدمة ; الشحن الاصطناعي ; كبد ; الزقلة ; الروضتين ; الجدوى الفنية ; مراقبة حركة المياه الجوفية ,  Groundwater Resource ; Time-Domain Electromagnetic (TDEM) ; Forward Modeling ; Artificial Recharge ; Kabd Az-Zaqlah ; Raudhatain ; Technical Feasibility ; Monitoring of Groundwater Flow.

Project(s):  Laboratory Investigation on the Compatibility of the Desalinated Water and RO Processed Treated Wastewater with the Kuwait Group Aquifer

Project code:  WM 038C

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