report(s) found: 3
Center: Water Resources Division x

Project title: Preparation and Characterization of Polypropylene Nanocomposites and Nanomembranes Reinforced with Halloysite Nanohibes and Layered Silicates x

Preparation and characterization of polypropylene Nanocomposites and Nanomembranes reinforced with Halloysite nanotubes and Layered Silicates,


KISR Report

Progress Report No.2

Contributor(s):  Lahalih, S. M.

Subject(s):  Nanocomposits ,  Polymerchemistry ,  تكنولوجيا النانو; حبيبات النانو; البثق; معالجة الأغشية ما بعد البثق; كمية المياة المرشحة; درجة النفاذية ,  nanotechnology, nano-sized-clay, extrusion, post extrusion processing, permenance, permeability

Project(s):  Preparation and Characterization of Polypropylene Nanocomposites and Nanomembranes Reinforced with Halloysite Nanohibes and Layered Silicates

Project code:  WT 024C

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Preparation and characterization of polypropylene Nanocomposites and Nanomemranes reiforced with Halloysite nanotubes and layered silicates


KISR Report

Progress Report No.3

Contributor(s):  Lahalih, Shawqi.

Subject(s):  Nanocomposites ,  Nanocomposites ,  Polymer chemistry ,  Polymer chemistry ,  تكنولوجيا النانو ,  أغشية تقطير ,  معالجة الأغشية مابعد البثق ,  خواص ميكانيكية ,  كمية المياة المرشحة ,  درجة النفاذية ,  Nanotechnology. ,  Nanocomposites. ,  Memberane distillation. ,  Post-extrusion processing. ,  Mechanical properties.

Project(s):  Preparation and Characterization of Polypropylene Nanocomposites and Nanomembranes Reinforced with Halloysite Nanohibes and Layered Silicates

Project code:  WT 024C

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Preparation and characterization of polypropylene nanocomposites and nanomembranes reinforced with halloysite nanotubes and layered silicates


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Lahalih, Shawqi.

Subject(s):  Nanoscience ,  Nanoscience ,  Clay ,  Clay ,  Nanofiltration ,  Nanofiltration ,  Nanotechnology. ,  Nano-Size-Clay. ,  Polymer. ,  Polypropylene Nanocomposites and Nanomembranes. ,  تكنولوجيا النانو ,  حبيبات بحجم النانو ,  بوليمر ,  صفائح البولي بروبلين النانونية

Project(s):  Preparation and Characterization of Polypropylene Nanocomposites and Nanomembranes Reinforced with Halloysite Nanohibes and Layered Silicates

Project code:  WT 024C

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