report(s) found: 3
Center: Water Resources Division x

Project title: Technical Feasibility of Long-term Wastewater Treatment Using Natural Aquifer x

Technical feasibility of long term wastewater treatment using natural aquifer


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Akber, A.

Subject(s):  Dammam Formation. ,  Kuwait group. ,  Hydrogeology. ,  Hydrochemistry. ,  Soil column. ,  Nitrogen cycle.

Project(s):  Technical Feasibility of Long-term Wastewater Treatment Using Natural Aquifer

Project code:  WM 003C

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Technical feasibility of long term wastewater treatment using natural aquifer


KISR Report

Progress Report No.3

Contributor(s):  Akber, A.

Subject(s):  Monitoring wells. ,  Ceramic cups. ,  Water levels. ,  Soil. ,  Geophysical logs.

Project(s):  Technical Feasibility of Long-term Wastewater Treatment Using Natural Aquifer

Project code:  WM 003C

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Technical feasibility of long-term wastewater treatment using natural aquifer


KISR Report

Progress Report No.1

Subject(s):  Test holes. ,  Aquifer. ,  Hydrogeology. ,  Hydrochemistry. ,  Irrigation. ,  Soil.

Project(s):  Technical Feasibility of Long-term Wastewater Treatment Using Natural Aquifer

Project code:  WM 003C

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