report(s) found: 479
Center: Water Resources Division x

Assessment of groundwater at the vicinity of the water center building within the KISR campus in Shuwaikh,


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Senafy, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ,  Well ,  آبار اختبارية; آبار إنتاجية; تداخل ; النظائر ; مجموعة الكويت ,  Test wells ,  Production wells ,  Interaction ,  Isotopes ,  Kuwait group

Project(s):  Assessment of Groundwater at the Vicinity of the Water Center Building within KISR Campus in Shuwaikh

Project code:  WM 012G

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Investigations on hydrogen sulfide in groundwater of mishref area, Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Subject(s):  Flow rate. ,  Water table. ,  sand filter. ,  Ceramic columns. ,  Treatment technologies.

Project(s):  Investigations on Hydrogen Sulfide in Groundwater of Mishref Area, Kuwait

Project code:  WM 011K

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Optimum utilization strategy for the fresh groundwater lenses at Al-Raudhatain field.(Phase 1).


KISR Report

Amendment 'A'

Contributor(s):  Hadi, K.

Subject(s):  Groundwater. ,  Kuwait Group. ,  Drainge System. ,  Geochemical modeling. ,  Geochemical processes. ,  Catchment area.

Project(s):  Optimum Utilization Strategy for the Fresh Groundwater Lenses at Al-Raudhatain Field (Phase I)

Project code:  WM 012C

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Optimum utilization strategy for the fresh groundwater lenses at Al-Raudhatain field


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Hadi, K.

Subject(s):  Groundwater. ,  Kuwait group. ,  Drainage system. ,  Geochemical modeling. ,  Catchment area.

Project(s):  Optimum Utilization Strategy for the Fresh Groundwater Lenses at Al-Raudhatain Field (Phase I)

Project code:  WM 012C

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Management of water table rise around booster station 140,burgan oil field.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Senafy, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ecology ,  Coastal zone management ,  المياه الجوفية ; المسح الطوبوغرافي ; الابار ; اختبارات الضخ ; نوعية المياه ; مناسيب ; النظائر ; نموذج رياضي ,  croundwater ; topographic survey ; wells ; pumping tests ; water quality ; levels ; isotopes ; numerical modeling.

Project(s):  Management of Water Table Rise Around Booster Station 140, Burgan Oil Field

Project code:  WM 039C

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Preparation and characterization of polypropylene nanocomposites and nanomembranes reinforced with halloysite nanotubes and layered silicates


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Lahalih, Shawqi.

Subject(s):  Nanoscience ,  Nanoscience ,  Clay ,  Clay ,  Nanofiltration ,  Nanofiltration ,  Nanotechnology. ,  Nano-Size-Clay. ,  Polymer. ,  Polypropylene Nanocomposites and Nanomembranes. ,  تكنولوجيا النانو ,  حبيبات بحجم النانو ,  بوليمر ,  صفائح البولي بروبلين النانونية

Project(s):  Preparation and Characterization of Polypropylene Nanocomposites and Nanomembranes Reinforced with Halloysite Nanohibes and Layered Silicates

Project code:  WT 024C

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Removal of reduced gas from wastewater utilizing confined and unconfined plunging jet air reacrors (a bench-scale study)


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Matouq, Abdullah.

Subject(s):  Sewage ,  Sewage ,  Water ,  Water ,  Air-Stripping. ,  Municipal-Wastewater. ,  Water-Air-Injection. ,  Efficiency. ,  تجريد الهواء ,  مياة الصرف الصحي المحلي ,  حقن الماء والهواء ,  الكفاءة

Project(s):  Removal of Reduced Gas from Wastewater Utilizing Confined and Unconfined Plunging Jet Air Reactors (A Bench-Scale Study)

Project code:  WT 026K

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Pilot study on high quality freshwater production utilizing beachwells.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al-Owani, A.

Subject(s):  Water bottling industry. ,  Desalination. ,  Pretreatment. ,  reverse osmosis.

Project(s):  Pilot Study on High Quality Freshwater Production Utilizing Beach Wells

Project code:  WT 008K

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Assessment of artificial groundwater recharge in Kuwait, Vol. ll, Water availability for recharge and operational plan for injection-withdrawal experiments


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, A.

Subject(s):  Imported water. Desalination. Treated wastewater. Surface run-off. Tracer. Water quality.

Project(s):  Assessment of Artificial Groundwater Recharge in Kuwait

Project code:  WH 003

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Geohydrological studies of Al-Abdally and Al-Wafra farm areas /


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Sulaimi, J.

Subject(s):  Hydrocarbons. Heavy metals. Infiltration. Rainwater. Mathematical models.

Project(s):  Geohydrological Studies of Al-Wafra and Al-Abdally Farm Area

Project code:  WH 004

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Assessment of the effects of anthropogenic activities in Northern Kuwait on natural groundwater recharge


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Akber, Adnan.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ,  Groundwater ,  Farm ,  Farm ,  Freash Water ,  Freash Water ,  Runoff. ,  Basin. ,  Channels. ,  Infiltration. ,  Human Intervention. ,  Construction. ,  Military Operations. ,  Water quality. ,  المياه السطحية ,  تسرب ,  انشاء ,  عمليات عسكرية ,  نوعية المياه

Project(s):  Assessment of the Effects of Anthropogenic Activities in Northern Kuwait on Natural Groundwater Recharge

Project code:  WM 035C

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Testing of the application of surface geophysical methods for mapping the saline and sulfide-rich groundwater in the urban areas of Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No.2

Contributor(s):  Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ,  Groundwater ,  Electrical ,  Electrical ,  Dewatering. ,  Electrical Resistvity. ,  Electromagnetic. ,  Ground Penetrating Radar. ,  seismic. ,  Spectral. ,  نزح المياه ,  المقاومة الكهربائية ,  الكهرومغناطيسي ,  مسح الرادار المخترق للطبقات ,  زلزالي ,  الاستقطاب المستحث ضوئيا

Project(s):  Testing of the Application of Surface Geophysical Methods for Mapping the Saline and Sulfide-Rich Groundwater in the Urban Areas of Kuwait

Project code:  WM 040C

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