report(s) found: 10000

Environmental assessment of oil pollution in Mina Abdullah and Mina Ahmadi refineries


KISR Report

Progress Report no.4

Contributor(s):  Al Murad, M.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Organic ,  Pollution ,  Environment ,  Light non-aqueous phase liquids.. ,  Water table. ,  Halogenated solvents. ,  Volatile organic compounds. ,  سائل خفيف غير مائي. ,  المراقبة. ,  مستوى الماء الجوفي. ,  تنظيف. ,  مذييبات مهلجنة. ,  مركبات عضوية متطايرة.

Project(s):  Environmental assessment of oil pollution in Mina Abdullah and Mina Ahmadi refineries

Project code:  EM 120C

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Screening levels for gross alpha and gross beta in drinking water in Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Jarba, M. A.

Subject(s):  Water ,  water ,  Industrial ,  Environment ,  علم البيئة الاشعاعية. ,  العداد النسبي لتدفق الغاز. ,  جودة المياه. ,  جاما ألفا.

Project(s):  Screening levels for gross alpha and gross beta in drinking water in Kuwait

Project code:  EC 085G

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Documentation of the beauty of Marine life in Kuwait via developing a coffee table book entitled :


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Yaqout, A.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Marine ,  Protection ,  Oil ,  Documenting. ,  Marine life. ,  Simplified scientific. ,  Environmental awareness. ,  Protection. ,  Future generations. ,  توثيق. ,  الحياة البحرية. ,  علمي مبسط. ,  الوعى البيئي. ,  حماية. ,  أجيال المستقبل.

Project(s):  Documentation of the beauty of Marine life in Kuwait via developing a coffee table book entitled : Kuwait under the blue

Project code:  FM 130C

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Sustainable desert ecosystem management with use of treated wastewater for forage irrigation in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Madouh, T. A.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  pollution ,  Production ,  Irrigation ,  Bioaccumulation. ,  Ecosystem and environmental quality. ,  Personal care products. ,  Non-point source pollution. ,  Pharmaceuticals. ,  Heavy metals. ,  التراكم البيولوجي. ,  جودة البيئة والنظام البيئي. ,  منتجات العناية الشخصية. ,  مستحضرات الأدوية. ,  المعادن الثقيلة.

Project(s):  Sustainable desert ecosystem management with use of treated wastewater for forage irrigation in Kuwait

Project code:  FA 156C

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Testing, evaluation, and post-certification activities for radionuclide station, RN-40, Kuwait City, Kuwait (2022-2023)


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Dabbous, A. N.

Subject(s):  System ,  Nuclear ,  Network ,  Operation ,  Comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty organization. ,  Continuous monitoring system. ,  Maintenance activities. ,  منظمة الحظر الشامل للتجارب النووية. ,  رصد النويدات المشعة. ,  أعمال الصيانة.

Project(s):  Testing, evaluation, and post-certification activities for radionuclide station, RN-40, Kuwait City, Kuwait (2022-2023)

Project code:  EC 036S

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Effects of microplastic pellets and effluent exposed pellets on fish


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Jandal, N.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  System ,  Sewage ,  microplastic ,  Endocrine system. ,  Low-density polyethylene. ,  Polyethylene terephthalate. ,  Seabream. ,  Microbiome. ,  الميكروبيوم. ,  نظام الغدد الصماء. ,  البولي ايثيلين منخفض الكثافة. ,  البولي ايثيلين تيريفثاليت. ,  أسماك الشعم.

Project(s):  Effects of microplastic pellets and effluent exposed pellets on fish

Project code:  FB 146C

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The improved resilience to transboundary sand and dust storms in Kuwait and Iraq :


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Hemoud, Ali.

Subject(s):  Sand ,  Dust ,  Health ,  Environment ,  Vegetation. ,  rehabilitation. ,  Ecosystem. ,  Economic impact. ,  Health. ,  الغطاء النباتي. ,  اعادة التأهيل. ,  النظام البيئى. ,  الأثر الأقتصادي. ,  الصحة.

Project(s):  The improved resilience to transboundary sand and dust storms in Kuwait and Iraq : التكيف والصمود للعواصف الرملية والترابية العابرة للحدود بين العراق والكويـت

Project code:  EM 124C

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Assessment of loss of 210PO by cooking of seafood and its effect on dose estimates to humans ingesting seafood


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Uddin, S.

Subject(s):  Seafood ,  Fish ,  Marine ,  Organs ,  Bioaccumulation. ,  Grill. ,  Frying. ,  Boiling. ,  Fish. ,  تراكم الأحيائي. ,  شواء. ,  سلق. ,  سمك.

Project(s):  Assessment of loss of 210PO by cooking of seafood and its effect on dose estimates to humans ingesting seafood

Project code:  EM 112K

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Aligning Kuwait disability data with the sustainable development goals (SDGs)


KISR Report

Interim Report

Contributor(s):  Arman, H.

Subject(s):  Disability ,  Disability ,  Sustainable Development ,  Sustainable Development ,  People with disability ,  Sustainable development goals ,  Disability indicators ,  washington group short set of questions ,  public authority for disability affairs ,  الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة ,  أهداف التنمية المستدامة ,  مؤشرات الإعاقة ,  مجموعة الأسئلة القصيرة الخاصة بفريق واشنطن حول الإاعاقة

Project(s):  Aligning Kuwait disability data with the sustainable development goals (SDGs)

Project code:  TE 064C

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Establishment of specialized unit for urban greenery reasearch and desert development (Phase II)


KISR Report

Interim Report No. 8

Contributor(s):  Suleiman, M. K.

Subject(s):  Agriculture ,  Agriculture ,  Greenery ,  Greenery

Project(s):  Establishment of specialized unit for urban greenery reasearch and desert development

Project code:  P-KISR-06-10

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إعداد وصيانة مركز تنمية الحياة الفطرية بمنطقة اللياح


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, Modi

Subject(s):  Maintenance ,  Native plants ,  Agriculture ,  Soil ,  صيانة النباتات الفطرية ,  غعادة تأهيل التربة المتدهورة ,  Rehabilitation of degraded soil ,  Native plants ,  Maintenance

Project(s):  Preparing and Maintaining a Wildlife Development Center in the Al- Liyah

Project code:  EC 011O

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Real time structural monitoring and infrastructure asset management for bridges in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Parol, J.

Subject(s):  Engineering ,  Structural ,  Bridges ,  Roads ,  Structural health monitoring ,  bridges ,  structural vibration ,  Natural freguency ,  Weigh in motion model ,  الحركة في الوزن نموذج طبيعي ,  تردد الهيكلي الأهتزاز الجسور ,  الهيكلية الصحة مراقبة

Project(s):  Real Time Structural Monitoring and Infrastructure Asset Management for Bridges in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 111C

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