report(s) found: 10000

Assessment and mapping of fugitive gases contamination in groundwater aquifers near Kuwait oil fields


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Chidambaram, S.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Gas ,  Gas ,  دراسة ,  حقل نفطي ,  غازات هاربة ,  نظائر مستقرة ,  غازات نبيلة

Project(s):  Assessment and mapping of fugitive gases contamination in groundwater aquifers near Kuwait oil fields

Project code:  WM 082C

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Establishment of central seawater desalination plant for the production of high quality freshwater at KISR


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension "B"

Contributor(s):  Al Odwani, A.

Subject(s):  Production ,  Production ,  Plant ,  Plant ,  Water shortages ,  Permanent solution ,  Performance ,  Reliability ,  Design ,  Membrane ,  integrated solution ,  Installation ,  Operation ,  Quality control ,  نقص المياه ,  حل دائم ,  أداء ,  اعتمادية ,  تصميم ,  أغشية ,  حل متكامل ,  تركيب ,  تشغيل ,  ضبط الجودة

Project(s):  Establishment of central seawater desalination plant for the production of high quality freshwater at KISR

Project code:  WT 064K

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Aquafaba, from food waste to value-added food ingredient


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Alsalman, Fatemah B.

Subject(s):  Milk ,  Milk ,  Food allergy ,  Food allergy ,  aquafaba ,  cow's milk allergy ,  egg allergy ,  food applications ,  vegan products ,  الأكوافابا ,  حساسية حليب الأبقار ,  حساسية البيض ,  التطبيقات الغذئية ,  المنتجات النباتية

Project(s):  Aquafaba, from food waste to value-added food ingredient

Project code:  FB 181K

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Fish release of Hamoor, Sobaity and Shaem in Kuwait territory waters


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Abdul-Elah, K. M.

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish ,  Water ,  Water ,  Fish production ,  fish release ,  fish tagging ,  student education ,  local fish stock ,  الكويتية أهم المصطلحات ,  انتاج الأسماك ,  أطلاق الاسماك ,  وشم الاسماك ,  تثقيف الطلبة بهدف المشروع ,  حالة مخزون الاسماك المحلية

Project(s):  Fish release of Hamoor, Sobaity and Shaem in Kuwait territory water

Project code:  FM 020S

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The Generation of an electronic big data genome wide association selection (GWAS) Atlas for domestic chicken breeds


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Anzi, B.

Subject(s):  Chicken ,  Chicken ,  DNA ,  DNA ,  chicken breeds ,  DNA Atlas ,  سلالات الدجاج ,  أطلس الحمض النووي

Project(s):  The Generation of an electronic big data genome wide association selection (GWAS) Atlas for domestic chicken breeds

Project code:  FA 201K

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Sustainable oceanographic investigation for Kuwait's water,


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Said, T.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Ocean ,  Ocean ,  Sustained ocean observation ,  Historical changes ,  Harmful algal blooms ,  Northwestern Arabian Gulf

Project(s):  Sustaiabile oceanographic inestigation for Kuwait's water

Project code:  FM001O

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Characterization and application of natural antimicrobials for food improvement


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Rahmeh, R.

Subject(s):  Food industry and trade ,  Food industry and trade ,  Animal ,  Animal ,  Enterocins ,  Food Industry ,  Animal Health ,  Foodborne pathogens ,  biopreservation ,  الإنتيروسينات ,  صناعة الأغذية ,  صحة الحيوان ,  البكتيريا الممرضة ,  حفظ الأغذية

Project(s):  Characterization and application of natural antimicrobials for food improvement

Project code:  FB150C

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Born in the innovational educational labs: Abdullah Al Salem University transforming competencies for dynamic market demands


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Qudsi, S.

Subject(s):  Technology ,  technology ,  Innovation ,  Innovation ,  Field survey ,  Competetencies gap ,  Quick research responses ,  بحث ميداني ,  فجوة المهارات ,  الادبيات الاقتصادية ,  الذكاء الاصطناعي ,  مركز الابحاث

Project(s):  Born in the innovational educational labs: Abdullah Al Salem University transforming competencies for dynamic market demands

Project code:  TQ025C

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Comparative study of high performance concrete containing different types of internal curing materials


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Chakkamalayath, J.

Subject(s):  Concrete ,  Concrete properties ,  Construction and demolition ,  Cement ,  Mechanical properties ,  pore structure ,  recycled aggregates ,  shrinkage ,  Superabsorbent polymers ,  volcanic aggregates ,  الخواص الميكانيكية ,  هيكلة المسام ,  الركام المعاد تدويره ,  الأنكماش ,  البوليمرات فائقة الأمتصاص ,  الركام البركاني

Project(s):  Comparative Study of High Performance Concrete Containing Different Types of Internet Curing Materials

Project code:  EU 130K

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Investigating the thermophysical properties and dispersion stability of gold-water nanofluids produced via a novel one-step approach


KISR Report

Annual Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Sayegh, Naser

Subject(s):  Water ,  Gold ,  Equipment ,  Liquids ,  طواحين الكور التفاعلية ,  معلقات ,  توصيل حراري ,  لزوجية ,  اتزان فيزيائي ,  قرص ,  Reactive ball mill ,  Suspensions ,  Thermal conductivity ,  Viscosity ,  Physical stability ,  Tablet

Project(s):  Investigating the Thermophysical Properties and Dispersion Stability of Gold-water Nanofluids Produced Via Novel One-Step Approach

Project code:  EA 102K

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Utilization of industrially produced Carbon dioxide in protected horticulture facilities for food security enhancement and contribution to climate change mitigation


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Sugumaran, K.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Carbon Dioxide ,  Climate ,  Food ,  البيوت المحمية ,  التبريد ,  تعزيز تركيز ثاني أكسيد الكربون ,  المصنع النباتي ,  الزراعة بدون تربة ,  greenhouse ,  Cooling ,  Carbon dioxide enrichment ,  Plant factory ,  Soilless culture

Project(s):  Utilization of Industrially Produced Carbon Dioxide in Protected Horticulture Facilities for Food Security Enhancement and Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation

Project code:  FA 180C

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Development of vitamin D and B- glucan enriched extruded snacks for Kuwaiti population


KISR Report

Amendment/ Extension ''A'' Proposal

Contributor(s):  Al Attar, H.

Subject(s):  Breakfast cereal ,  Rice flour ,  Suck ,  Solution ,  بيتا-جلوكان ,  البثق الحراري ,  فيتامين د ,  الصفات الحسية ,  B- glucan ,  Extrusion ,  Vitamin D3 ,  Sensory evaluation

Project(s):  Development of Vitamin D and B- Glucan Enriched Extruded Snacks for Kuwaiti Population

Project code:  FB 125K

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