report(s) found: 10000

Evaluating the effects of different feed additives on immunity and performance of naeemi sheep


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Burezq, H.

Subject(s):  Animal nutrition ,  Animal nutrition ,  Feed additives ,  Feed additives ,  إضافات الأعلاف ,  عملية التسمين ,  أمونيوم كلوريد ,  يوريا ,  الطحالب ,  مسحوق السمك ,  حمض الهيوميك ,  Feed additives ,  fattening process ,  Ammonium chloride ,  Urea ,  Algae ,  Fishmeal ,  humic acid

Project(s):  Evaluating the effects of different feed additives on immunity and performance of naeemi sheep

Project code:  FA 150C

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Assessment of moisture sensitivity of Asphalt mixtures prepared with rubber and polymer modified bitumens


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Baghli, H. M.

Subject(s):  Durability ,  Durability ,  Asphelt cement ,  Asphelt cement ,  moisture sensitivity ,  Stripping cohesive strength

Project(s):  Assessment of moisture sensitivity of Asphalt mixtures prepared with rubber and polymer modified bitumens

Project code:  EU 153K

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Monitoring and Assessing solar-eco's street lighting system in the state of Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Dei, S.

Subject(s):  Solar radiation ,  Solar radiation ,  Renewable Energy ,  Renewable energy ,  Stand-alone ,  Electrical grid ,  solar-powered LED lighting ,  Photovoltaic ,  Renewable energy ,  تقنيات الطاقة النظيفة ,  الشبكة الكهربائية ,  الظاقة المتجديدة ,  الكهروضوئية

Project(s):  Monitoring and Assessing solar-eco's street lighting system in the state of Kuwait

Project code:  EA 008S

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Comparative study of high performance concrete containing different types of internet curing materials


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No.1

Contributor(s):  Chakkamalayath, J.

Subject(s):  pore structure ,  recycled aggregates ,  shrinkage ,  Superabsorbent polymers ,  volcanic aggregates ,  هيكلية المسام ,  الركام المعاد تدويره ,  الأنكماش ,  الركام البركاني ,  لبوليمرات فائقة الامتصاص

Project(s):  Comparative study of high performance concrete containing different types of internet curing materials

Project code:  EU 130K

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Survey study of cyber security awareness in Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Snayen, N.

Subject(s):  Cyberdata Technologies ,  Cyberdata Technologies ,  Information technology ,  Information technology ,  cyber security ,  Information security ,  cybercrime ,  cyber security awarness ,  الأمن السبراني ,  علم الجرائم الألكترونية ,  أمن المعلومات ,  الوعي في الأمن السبراني

Project(s):  Survey study of cyber security awareness in Kuwait

Project code:  SD 011G

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Development of Nanoporous filler confined mixed matrix membrane for CO² separation


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No.2

Contributor(s):  Vinoba, M.

Subject(s):  Atmosphere ,  Atmosphere ,  Metal ,  Metal ,  mixed matrix membrane ,  Zeolitic Imidazolate frameworks ,  Graphene

Project(s):  Development of Nanoporous filler confined mixed matrix membrane for CO² separation

Project code:  PF 088K

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Depositional environments and sequence stratgraphy of the lower cretaceous Mauddud formation, north Kuwait


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Mukadam, S.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Environment ,  Sedimentology ,  Sedimentology ,  Muddud formation ,  Depositional environment ,  Sedimentology

Project(s):  Depositional environments and sequence stratgraphy of the lower cretaceous Mauddud formation, north Kuwait

Project code:  PP 163S

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Evaluating different smart waters for water injection application


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Samhan, Mashal

Subject(s):  Water quality ,  WAter quality ,  Smart water grids ,  Smart water grids ,  Water Injection ,  Nano particles ,  Nano fluid ,  SiO2 ,  A12O3

Project(s):  Evaluating different smart waters for water injection application

Project code:  PP 078K

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Investigating the environmental sulfide stress cracking in petroleum industry by a novel fracture mechanics approach


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Rihan, R.

Subject(s):  Materials ,  Materials ,  Mechanical Engineering ,  Mechanical Engineering ,  fracture mechnics methods ,  circumferential ,  notched tensile (CNT) method ,  double cantilever beam (DCB) method ,  Pipeline ,  downhole tubular ,  threshold sulfied stress intensity factor (Kissc) ,  Crack growth rate ,  نظام آلية التصدع ,  نظام الذراع الناتئ المزدزج ,  نظام العينات المشدودة الحزوزة محيطيا ,  خط الأنابيب ,  أنابيب القاع ,  معامل شدة الاجهاد الكبريتيدي ,  معدل نمو الصدع

Project(s):  Investigating the environmental sulfide stress cracking in petroleum industry by a novel fracture mechanics approach

Project code:  PP 068C

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Development of an educational platform for students admited in hospitals


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Snayen, N.

Subject(s):  Learning disabilities ,  Learning disabilities ,  People with disabilities ,  People with disabilities ,  people with disabilities ,  learning difficulties ,  i want to learn society ,  احتياجات خاصه ,  جمعية أبي أتعلم ,  صعوبات التعلم ,  الطلاب في المستشفيات

Project(s):  Development of an educational platform for students admited in hospitals

Project code:  SD 009G

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Development of A system of applications to help in assessment of speech and language disorder


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Shatti, M.

Subject(s):  People with disabilities ,  People with disabilities ,  Learning disabilities ,  Learning disabilities ,  الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة ,  صعوبات التعلم ,  صعوبات النطق واللغة ,  تأخر نمو اللغة ,  People with disability ,  Learning disability ,  speech and language difficulties ,  delay language development

Project(s):  Development of A system of applications to help in assessment of speech and language disorder

Project code:  SD 014C

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Documentation of the beauty of marine life in Kuwait (via) developing a coffee table book entitled "Kuwait under the blue"


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Yaqout, Amani.

Subject(s):  Marine life ,  Marine life ,  Environmental awareness ,  Environmental awareness ,  Documenting ,  Marine life ,  Simplified scientific ,  Environmental awareness ,  Protection ,  future generation ,  توثيق ,  الحياة البحرية ,  علمي مبسط ,  الوعي البيئي ,  حماية ,  أجيال المستقبل

Project(s):  Documentation of the beauty of marine life in Kuwait (via) developing a coffee table book entitled "Kuwait under the blue"

Project code:  FM 130C

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