report(s) found: 10000

Continuous manufacturing of vitamin D, and Iron enriched novel food supplements for Kuwaiti population


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, J.

Subject(s):  Anemia ,  Anemia ,  Iron deficiency anemia ,  Iron deficiency anemia ,  Iron deficiency ,  twin screw granulation ,  Rheology ,  Process analytical technology ,  نقص الحديد ,  التحبيب بالمسار الثنائي ,  ريولوجي ,  عملية التكنولوجيا التحليلية

Project(s):  Continuous manufacturing of vitamin D, and Iron enriched novel food supplements for Kuwaiti population

Project code:  FB 131C

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Development of grafted and crosslinked linear low density polyethylene(LLDPE) and low density polyethylene(LDPE) blend with halogen-free flame retardant Nanocomposite for fire protection applications


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Yussuf, A.

Subject(s):  Nanocomposite ,  Cables ,  Temperatures ,  Samples ,  الرابط ,  مواد مثبطة للأشتعال ,  مركب النانو ,  الميكانيكية ,  والحرارية ,  Crosslinking ,  flame retardant materials ,  nanoclay ,  Mechanical ,  Thermal

Project(s):  Development of Grafted and Crosslinked Linear Low Density Polyethylene(LLDPE) and Low Density Polyethylene(LDPE) Blend with Halogen-Free Flame Retardant Nanocomposite for Fire Protection Applications

Project code:  PC 025K

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Synthesis and characterization of B- cyclodextrin inclusion complexes of essential Oils for development of extruded polylactide/Graphene oxide nanopackaging for poultry industry in the state of Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, Jasim

Subject(s):  Poultry ,  Salmonella ,  food products ,  Microbes ,  التغليف ,  زيت القرفة ,  نشاط مضاد للميكروبات ,  أغلفة متعددة الطبقات ,  بنية مجهرية ,  Encapsulation ,  Cinnamon oil ,  Antimicrobial activity ,  Multilayer films ,  Microstructure

Project(s):  Synthesis and Characterization of B- Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes of Essential Oils for Development of Extruded Polylactide/Graphene Oxide Nanopackaging for Poultry Industry in the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 133C

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Generating the first spatiotemporal profile of nitrifying microbes in the unique waters of the northwest arabian gulf



Contributor(s):  Fakhraldeen, Saja

Subject(s):  Nitrogen ,  Sewage ,  Fish ,  Microbes ,  الكيمياء الحيوية ,  دورة النيتروجين ,  بكتيريا(كائنات دقيقة ,  تسلسل ,  قاعدة بيانات ,  biogeochemistry ,  Nitrigen cycling ,  Bacteria ,  Sequencing ,  Database

Project code:  FM 128K

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Characterization and application of natural antimicrobials for food improvement

KISR Report

Annual Report

Contributor(s):  Rahmeh, R.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Microbes ,  Pesticides ,  Antibiotics ,  الإنتيروسينات ,  صناعة الأغذية ,  صحة الحيوان ,  مضادات الميكروبات ,  Enterocins ,  Food Industry ,  Animal Health ,  Foodborne pathogens ,  biopreservation

Project(s):  Characterization and Application of Natural Antimicrobials for Food Improvement

Project code:  FB 150C

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Utilization of industrially produced Carbon dioxide in protected horticulture facilities for food security enhancement and contribution to climate change mitigation


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Sugumaran, K.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Carbon Dioxide ,  Climate ,  Food ,  البيوت المحمية ,  التبريد ,  إثراء تركيز ثاني أكسيد الكربون ,  المصنع النباتي ,  الزراعة بدون تربة ,  greenhouse ,  Cooling ,  Carbon dioxide enrichment ,  Plant factory ,  Soilless culture

Project(s):  Utilization of Industrially Produced Carbon Dioxide in Protected Horticulture Facilities for Food Security Enhancement and Contribution to Climate Change Mitigation

Project code:  FA 180C

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Synthesizing and tailoring of advanced Nanocomposite systems for antibiofilm protective coating in medical and Food sectors applications


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Aldhameer, A.

Subject(s):  Chemical processes ,  Diseases ,  Food ,  plasma ,  Nanotechnology ,  Nanoparticles ,  Power technology ,  antibacterial surface protective coating ,  تكنولوجيا النانو ,  أسلوب التصغير من أعلي إلي أسفل ,  مساحيق الحبيبات النانونية ,  ميتالورجيا المساحيق الطلاء المقاوم للبكتريا

Project(s):  Synthesizing and Tailoring of Advanced Nanocomposite Systems for Antibiofilm Protective Coating in Medical and Food Sectors Applications

Project code:  EA 074C

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A modal shift framework for mass transportation in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Sreekanth, K.J.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Economy ,  Public transport ,  Transportation ,  Energy ,  Energy forecasting ,  Energy economics ,  Rail transport ,  Mass mobility ,  Sustainable development goals ,  الطاقة ,  التنبؤ بالطاقة ,  اقتصاديات الطاقة ,  النقل بالسكك الحديدية ,  التنقل الشامل ,  اهداف التنمية المست

Project(s):  A Modal Shift Framework for Mass Transportation in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 143K

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Establishing a correlation between the standard penetration resistance values and the unit weight of soils in Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Enezi, D.

Subject(s):  Soil ,  Waste ,  Soil ,  Waste ,  Soil density ,  N-SPT ,  Geotechnical parameters ,  Code ,  Friction angle ,  كثافة التربة ,  أختبار الأختراق القياسية ,  معلمات هندسية جيوتقنية ,  كود

Project(s):  Establishing a Correlation Between the Standard Penetration Resistance Values and the Unit Weight of Soils in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 072G

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Kuwait energy outlook building local energy balances


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al abdullah, Yousef M.

Subject(s):  Energy ,  Research ,  Data ,  Economy ,  Energy policy ,  Energy forecasting ,  Energy economics ,  Energy statistics ,  سياسة الطاقة ,  تنبؤ الطاقة ,  اقتصاديات الطاقة ,  إحصاءات الطاقة

Project(s):  Kuwait Energy Outlook Building Local Energy Balances

Project code:  EU 139K

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Computational Analysis of Thermal Energy storage for CSP plant


KISR Report

Amendment/ Extension (A)

Contributor(s):  Abdulrahman, Bashar

Subject(s):  Thermal Energy ,  Energy ,  solar energy ,  Electricity ,  Molten Salt ,  Thermal energy storage ,  oil to salt heat exchangers ,  concentrated solar power plant

Project(s):  Computational Analysis of Thermal Energy Storage for CSP Plant

Project code:  EU 152K

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Novel photocatalysts nanocoatings for self-cleaning photovoltaic modules in Kuwait


KISR Report

Proposal Amendment/ Extension (A)

Contributor(s):  Ismail, Adel A.

Subject(s):  Dust storms ,  Light ,  Light ,  Photoelectricity ,  مواد نانومترية ,  الاغشية الرقيقة ,  الأسطح النافرة للماء ,  الاسطح الماصة للماء ,  شفافة ,  أزالة الغبار ,  Nanomaterials ,  Thin films ,  Superhydrophobic and Superhydrophilic surfaces ,  Transparent ,  Removal ,  Dust

Project(s):  Novel Photocatalysts Nanocoatings for Self-Cleaning Photovoltaic Modules in Kuwait

Project code:  EA 081C

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