report(s) found: 959
Center: Environment and Urban Development Division x

Development of masonry cement for Kuwait cement company.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Bahar, Souad.

Subject(s):  Cement. ,  Masonry cement. ,  Ordinary portland cement. ,  Plastering. ,  Rendering. ,  American Standard test methods. ,  British standard specifications. ,  Kuwaiti standard specifications.

Project(s):  Development of Masonry Cement for Kuwait Cement Company

Project code:  EU 032C

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Development of masonry cement for Kuwait cement company.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al-Bahar, Souad.

Subject(s):  Air content. ,  Compressive strength. ,  dolomite. ,  Fineness. ,  International standard specifications. ,  Masonary cement. ,  Physical property. ,  Soundness. ,  Sulfate resisting cement. ,  Time of setting. ,  Water retention.

Project(s):  Development of Masonry Cement for Kuwait Cement Company

Project code:  EU 032C

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Preparation of samples of ROPME winter oceanographic cruse for sedimentological and geological analyses


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  El Sammak, Amro.

Subject(s):  Grain size ,  Grain size ,  Grain size analysis ,  winter cruise ,  water content

Project(s):  Preparation of Samples of ROPME Winter Oceanographic Cruse for Sedimentological & Geological Analyses

Project code:  EM 008S

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Effect of roof insulation on interior surface temperature and heat gain,


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  ElSherbini, A.

Subject(s):  Energy resources. ,  Energy conservation ,  Building envelop, air-condition, heat transfer, energy cost, energy saving ,  الغلاف الخارجي للمبنى; أجهزة تكييف الهواء; انتقال الحرارة; تكلفة الطاقة; ترشيد الطاقة

Project(s):  Effect of Roof Insulation on Interior Surface Temperature & Heat Gain

Project code:  EU 031S

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Monitoring and field survey programme for environmental baseline survey for sheikh Jaber Ahmed Al Sabah causeway, Kuwait bay.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  El-Sammak, A.

Subject(s):  Subiya causeway. ,  Environmental monitoring. ,  Algal bed. ,  Kuwait Bay.

Project(s):  Monitoring & Field Survey Programme for Environmental Baseline Survey for Sheikh Jaber Ahmed Al Sabah Causeway, Kuwait Bay

Project code:  EM 028C

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Production and characterization of synthetic ceramic lightweight aggregates utilizing Kuwaiti agrillaceous materials


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Bahar, Souad.

Subject(s):  Clay deposit ,  Synthetic fibers industry ,  Clay deposit, concrete, gatch, lightweight aggregate, marine clay, pilot plant, sand synthetic aggregate ,  الركام; الغرين (الطين); كثافة خفيفة;عزل حراري; وحده تجريبيه ;مواد خام أولية ; نسب الخلط; المواد المضافة ; الحرق; مواصفات قياسية امريكية; مواصفات قياسية بريطانية

Project(s):  Production & Characterization of Synthetic Ceramic Lightweight Aggregates Utilizing Kuwaiti Agrillaceous Materials

Project code:  EU 036C

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Production and characterization of synthetic ceramic lightweight aggregates utilizing Kuwait argillaceous materials:


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al-Bahar, Souad.

Subject(s):  Clay deposit ,  Synthetic fiber industry ,  Aggregate wash. ,  Characterization. ,  Chemical. ,  Clay deposits. ,  Firing conditions. ,  Fly ash. ,  Formulations. ,  Laboratory. ,  Lube oil. ,  Mineralogical. ,  Mixtures. ,  Mobilization. ,  Natural. ,  Physical. ,  Piolt plant. ,  Raw materials. ,  Research facilities. ,  Tests. ,  المرحلة التحضيرية. ,  الأبحاث المعملية والصناعية. ,  مواد خام أولية. ,  التركيب المعدني. ,  الفحوصات الفيزيائية. ,  نسبة الأكسيدات. ,  انصهار المواد الطينية. ,  المضافات. ,  المواد الكيميائية. ,  الحرق. ,  الركام الصناعي خفيف الوزن. ,  الطين. ,  الغرين. ,  الرمل. ,  الوحدة النمطية.

Project(s):  Production & Characterization of Synthetic Ceramic Lightweight Aggregates Utilizing Kuwaiti Agrillaceous Materials

Project code:  EU 036C

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Design of fuel-cell-based cogeneration systems for cooling and power in buildings.


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Qattan, A.

Subject(s):  Fuel cell. ,  Air-conditioning system. ,  Peak power demand. ,  Energy consumption.

Project(s):  Design of Fuel-Cell-Based Cogeneration Systems for Cooling & Power in Buildings

Project code:  EU 035K

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Assessment of steam power plants,


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Hussain, H.

Subject(s):  Thermodynamics ,  Steam powerplants ,  دورة Rankine; الكفاءة الحرارية;المحاكاة ,  Rankine cycle, thermal efficiency, simulayion

Project(s):  Assessment of Steam Power Plants

Project code:  EU 033G

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Evaluation of the ADMS-road software for predicting air quality along the roads of Kuwait


Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Bassam, Eitidal.

Subject(s):  Air ,  Air ,  Pollution ,  Pollution ,  Human Health. ,  Air Quality Modeling. ,  Air pollution. ,  صحة الانسان ,  الهواء نموذج جودة ,  تلوث الهواء

Project code:  EU 034G

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Investigation of durability and aging performance of line-x sprayed coating system for industrial applications in Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Hussain, Adel.

Subject(s):  Corrosion and anti-corrosives ,  Corrosion and anti-corrosives ,  Physical properties ,  Physical properties ,  Aging. ,  Mechanical and physical properties. ,  متانة ,  أداء ,  خواص فيزيائية وميكانيكية

Project(s):  Investigation of Durability & Aging Performance of Line-X Sprayed Coating System for Industrial Applications in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 033S

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Prediction of the transport of toxic agents over urban and rural areas.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Alhajraf, S.

Subject(s):  Atmospheric dispersion. ,  Numerical moddeling. ,  Emergency response system.

Project(s):  Prediction of the Transport of Toxic Agents Over Urban & Rural Areas

Project code:  EC 012K

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