report(s) found: 489
Center: Petroleum Research Center x

An investigation on enhancing lower fares heavy oil recovery using hot water, steam, and MWCNts nanofluids


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Hamoud, A.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Water ,  Staem ,  Carbon ,  Improve oil extraction. ,  Water Injection. ,  Steam injection. ,  Lower fars formation. ,  Multi-wall carbon nanotubes. ,  (MWCNts) suspension injection. ,  تحفيز استخراج النفط الثقيل. ,  الحقن بالماء. ,  الحقن بالبخار. ,  طبقة فارس السفلى. ,  الحقن بالسوائل النانونية.

Project(s):  An investigation on enhancing lower fares heavy oil recovery using hot water, steam, and MWCNts nanofluids

Project code:  PP 080K

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Investigating the effect of the smart water in enhancing heavy oil recovery by dry heat technology


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Bouresli, K.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Environment ,  Conventional oil ,  Unconventional oil ,  resistant heating

Project(s):  Investigating the effect of the smart water in enhancing heavy oil recovery by dry heat technology

Project code:  PP 069K

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Investigating the effect of distillation cutting temperature on Hydrotreating performance of atmospheric residue


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Mutairi, A.

Subject(s):  Hydrotreating catalysts ,  Hydrotreating catalysts ,  Oil ,  Oil ,  Catalyst lifetime ,  Reactivity ,  Distillation ,  Atmospheric residue ,  Cutting points ,  Hydrotreating ,  مخلفات التقطير الجوي ,  نقطة الغليان الفعالة ,  المعالجة الهيدروجينية ,  عمر المحفز ,  نشاط المحفز التفاعلي

Project(s):  Investigating the Effect of Distillation Cutting Temperature on Hydrotreating Performance of Atmospheric Residue

Project code:  PF 086C

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Investigation of blooming phenomena of slip agent in LLDPE film


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Enezi, S.

Subject(s):  Polyethylene ,  Polyethylene

Project(s):  Investigation of blooming phenomena of slip agent in LLDPE film

Project code:  PC 028C

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Crosslinked high density polyethylene (HDPE) Nanocomposite pipe for high pressure applications


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Saleh Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Polymer ,  Protection ,  Formulation ,  Pressure ,  HDPE pipes. ,  Nanocomposites. ,  crosslinked. ,  high pressure. ,  أنابيب البولي اثيلين. ,  الأنابيب النانونية. ,  متشابكة. ,  الضغط العالي.

Project(s):  Crosslinked high density polyethylene (HDPE) Nanocomposite pipe for high pressure applications

Project code:  PC 027C

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In-Situ scaling due to eor-asp interaction with razu rocks and fluids


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Omair, A.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Water ,  Production ,  Polymer ,  ‫Enhanced oil recovery ,  alkaline surfactant polymer. ,  Scale inhibitor. ,  RAZU. ,  تحسين استخلاص النفط. ,  قلويات ومخفضات التوتر السطحي والبوليمرات. ,  مثيطات الترسبات الملحية. ,  روضتين زبير.

Project(s):  In-Situ scaling due to eor-asp interaction with razu rocks and fluids

Project code:  PP 073C

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Advanced digenetic study and mapping using innovative clumped Isotope technology in Middle Marrat, South East Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Ghloum, E.F.

Subject(s):  Digenea ,  Digenea ,  Dolomite ,  Dolomite ,  Digenetic ,  Dolomization ,  Clumped Isotopes ,  Middle Marrat ,  خواص صخرية ,  دولوميت ,  النظائر المشعة ,  مرات الاوسط

Project(s):  Advanced Digenetic Study & Mapping Using Innovative Clumped Isotope Technology in Middle Marrat, South East Kuwait

Project code:  PP 072C

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Deep Desulfurization of gas-oil stream from Kuwait's heavy crudes to produce ultralow-sulfur diesel,

KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Marafi, Abdulathem.

Subject(s):  Catalysts ,  Catalysts ,  Diesel motor exhaust gas ,  Diesel motor exhaust gas ,  Diesel catalyst ,  Diesel catalyst ,  Diesel Specification. ,  Diesel Catalyst. ,  Aromatic Content. ,  Deactivation. ,  Cycle Length. ,  Feed Quality. ,  مواصفات زيت الغاز ,  المواد الحفازة للديزل ,  محتوى العطري ,  تثبيط المواد الحفازة ,  طول المدة ,  جودة اللقم

Project(s):  Deep Desulfurization of Gas-Oil Stream from Kuwait's Heavy Crudes to Produce Ultralow-Sulfur Diesel

Project code:  PF 045C

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Development of a novel Hydrodesulfurization catalyst based on shape selection and Hydrogen spilover for producing clean diesel


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Jasseem, F. H.

Subject(s):  Gas ,  Gas ,  petroleum ,  Petroleum

Project(s):  Development of a Novel Hydrodesulfurization Catalyst Based on Shape Selection and Hydrogen Spilover for Producing Clean Diesel

Project code:  PF 062K

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In situ thermal decomposition for the preparation ofnanosized metallic sulfide catalysts


KISR Report

Final Report (Revised)

Contributor(s):  Perez, A.

Subject(s):  Catalysts. ,  Catalysts ,  Catalysts ,  Nanometer ,  Nanometer ,  Nanometer. ,  Organometallic complex. ,  Emulsion. ,  Emulsifier. ,  Nanoparticles. ,  Nanometer. ,  الأنحلال الحرارى. ,  مركبات المعدنية العضوية. ,  المستحلبات. ,  الجسيمات النانومترية. ,  نانوميتر.

Project(s):  In Situ Thermal Decomposition for the Preparation of Nanosized Metallic Sulfide Catalysts

Project code:  PF 046C

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Development of an improved catalyst for ultra deep desulfurization of diesel fuel,


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Al Dalama, Khaleda.

Subject(s):  Catalysts ,  Citric acid ,  Minerals ,  Sulfur ,  Nickel ,  Diesel fuels ,  Hydrotreating ,  Heat ,  Hydrotreating catalyst development. ,  Effect of complexing agents. ,  Support effects. ,  Trimetallic catalyst. ,  تطوير المواد الحفازة المستخدمة في عملية المعالجة الهيدروجينية ,  عامل التجميع ,  تأثيرات الدعائم ,  مواد حفازة ثلاثية المعادن

Project(s):  Development of an Improved Catalyst for Ultra Deep Desulfurization of Diesel Fuel

Project code:  PF 048K.

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Materials evaluation and selection for wet H2S service


KISR Report

Progress Report nos. 2-4

Subject(s):  Carbon steel. ,  70/30 Cu-Ni. ,  Hydrogen sulfide cracking. ,  Corrosion rate. ,  Electrochemical measurement.

Project(s):  Materials Evaluation and Selection for Wet H2s Service

Project code:  PR 002C

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