عدد النتائج: 10100

Feasibility of non-submerged membrane bioreactor system for municipal wastewater treatment.


KISR Report

Final Report

المساهمون:  AL-Shammari, S.

الموضوعات:  Operation. ,  Chemical and biological analyses. ,  MBR unit specification

المشروعات:  Feasibility of a Non-Submerged Membrane Bioreactor System for Municipal Wastewater Treatment

رمز المشروع:  WT 009C

عرض الملف

The effect of using the ro treated wastewater on the soil and groundwater at Al-Abdally farms,


KISR Report


المساهمون:  Al-Qallaf, H.

الموضوعات:  Irrigation. ,  Water quality ,  البكتريا; المياة الجوفية; ملوحة التربة; خزانات مياة الري; ري المزروعات ,  Bacteria, groundwater quality, soil salinity, water storage, irrigation

المشروعات:  The Effect of Using the RO Treated Wastewater on the Soil and Groundwater at Al-Abdally Farms

رمز المشروع:  WM 030C

عرض الملف

Integrated NF-MSF and NF-MED systems for sea water desalination


KISR Report

Final Report

المساهمون:  Al-Wazan, Y.

الموضوعات:  Scale inhibition ,  Membranes ,  Process performance ,  Feasibility

المشروعات:  Integrated NF-MSF and NF-MED System for Seawater Desalination

رمز المشروع:  WT 015K

عرض الملف

Investigation on distibution of nitrogen compounds in the groundwater of Kuwait.


KISR Report

Final Report

المساهمون:  Akber, A.

الموضوعات:  Dammam formation aquifer. ,  Kuwait group aquifer. ,  Conceptual model. ,  Nitrogen isotopes. ,  Bacteriological analysis. ,  Fertilizers. ,  Groundwater samples. ,  Hydrogeology.

المشروعات:  Investigations on Distribution of Nitrogen Compounds in the Groundwater of Kuwait

رمز المشروع:  WM 002C

عرض الملف

Assessment of groundwater pollution from oil fires and evaluation of remedial procedures.


KISR Report

Final Report

المساهمون:  Mukhopadhyay, A.

الموضوعات:  Aquifers. ,  Dammam formation. ,  Ground water remediation. ,  Hydrocarbon contamination. ,  Kuwait group. ,  Monitoring wells.

المشروعات:  Assessment of Ground Water Pollution from Oil Fires and Evaluation of Remedial Procedures

رمز المشروع:  WH 019C

عرض الملف

Assessment of the Hydrological and Hydrochemical interaction between the main aquifers in southern Kuwait,


KISR Report

Progress Report No.2

المساهمون:  Hadi, Khalid.

الموضوعات:  WAter quality ,  WAter quality ,  Hydrochemical interaction ,  Hydrochemical interaction ,  Hydrology ,  Hydrology ,  Dammam Formation. ,  Kuwait group. ,  Groundwater Quality. ,  Aquifer Potentiometry. ,  Tracer tests.

المشروعات:  Assessment of the Hydrological and Hydrochemical Interaction between the Main Aquifers in Southern Kuwait

رمز المشروع:  WM 033C

عرض الملف

Technical assistance to the monitoring and assessment of the environmental damage to the groundwater resources of Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No.3

المساهمون:  Mukhopadhyay, A.

الموضوعات:  Brackish groundwater. ,  Fresh groundwater. ,  Aquifers. ,  Hydrocarbon contamination. ,  Drilling. ,  Monitoring wells.

المشروعات:  Technical Assistance to the Monitoring and Assessment of the Environmental Damage to the Groundwater Resources of Kuwait

رمز المشروع:  WM 004C

عرض الملف

Investigation of plate heat exchanger applications in multiple effect distillation :


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

المساهمون:  Al-Nuwaibit, Ghada.

الموضوعات:  Water desalination ,  Water desalination ,  Modeling ,  Modeling ,  Modeling. ,  Testing. ,  Evaporation. ,  Heat Transfer Coefficient. ,  Fouling. ,  Overdesign. ,  Distillation. ,  نمذجة رياضية. ,  اختبارات. ,  اتساخ. ,  معامل الأنتقال الحرارى. ,  زيادة التصميم. ,  تقطير المياه.

المشروعات:  Investigation of Plate Heat Exchanger Applications in Multiple Effect Distillation: A Bench Scale Study

رمز المشروع:  WT 029C

عرض الملف