report(s) found: 10000

Continuous manufacturing of vitamin D, and Iron enriched novel food supplements for Kuwaiti population


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Ahmed, J.

Subject(s):  Anemia ,  Iron deficiency anemia ,  Anemia ,  Iron deficiency anemia ,  Iron deficiency ,  Twin screw granulations ,  Rheology ,  Process analytical technology ,  نقص الحديد ,  التحبيب بالمسار الثاني ,  ريولوجي ,  عملية التكنولوجيا التحليلية

Project(s):  Continuous Manufacturing of Vitamin D, and Iron Enriched Novel Food Supplements for Kuwaiti Population

Project code:  FB 131C

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Distribution of Radioactivity in Kuwaiti soil in reliance to particle size fractionation


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Boloushi, Omar

Subject(s):  Soil biochemistry ,  Soil biochemistry ,  Erosion ,  Erosion ,  نشاط محدد ,  نقل التربة ,  specific activity ,  soil transport ,  Cs-134 ,  Ba-133 ,  Sr-85

Project(s):  Distribution of Radioactivity in Kuwaiti Soil in Reliance to Particle Size Fractionation

Project code:  EC 077G

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Integrated utilization of cereal mutant varieties in crop / livestock production systems phase IV :


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Menaie, Habiba.

Subject(s):  Livestocks ,  Livestocks ,  Varieties. ,  Nitrogen. ,  Drought. ,  أصناف والجفاف. ,  النيتروجين.

Project(s):  Integrated Utilization of Cereal Mutant Varieties in Crop / Livestock Production Systems Phase IV :Nitrogen use Efficiency of Mutant Barley Genotypes in Kuwait

Project code:  FA 138C

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Integrated costal zone management, state of Kuwait Phase II: establishment of the conceptual framework

KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Ragum, Al Anoud.

Subject(s):  Management ,  Economic ,  Sustainable development. ,  Socio-economic. ,  Capacity building. ,  EIA. ,  eMISK. ,  التنمية المستدامة ,  الاجتماعية الاقتصادية ,  دراسة المردود البيئي ,  نظم المعلومات بالكويت للرصد البيئي

Project(s):  Integrated Costal Zone Management, State of Kuwait Phase II: Establishment of the Conceptual Framework

Project code:  EC 106K

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Determination of the dynamic and signal flow in cellular systems using the yeast fat regulating network as a model


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Anzi, B.

Subject(s):  Fat ,  Fat ,  Yeast ,  Yeast ,  Fat ,  yeast ,  networks

Project(s):  Determination of the Dynamic and Signal Flow in Cellular Systems using the Yeast Fat Regulating Network as a Model

Project code:  FB 139C

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Genetic characterization of Naeemi breed and investigations of their life-time performance


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Abbas, Samira.

Subject(s):  Sheep ,  Strains ,  Nutrition ,  Genetic Speciation ,  Dna ,  Parity ,  Fertility ,  Milk yield ,  الحمض النووي ,  مرحلة الولادة ,  الإنتاج ,  الحليب المنتج

Project(s):  Genetic Characterization of Naeemi Breed and Investigations of their Life-Time Performance

Project code:  FA 131C

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Multiplication and molecular characterization of acacia pachyceras (Talha)- a native tree of Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Habibi, Nazima

Subject(s):  Plants ,  Desert plants ,  Seeds ,  تسلسل كامل الجينوم ,  القطع الجزعي ,  العلامات الجزيئية ,  الزراعة النسيجية ,  Whole genome sequencing ,  Stem cuttings ,  Molecular markers ,  Tissue Culture ,  PCR

Project(s):  Multiplication and Molecular Characterization of Acacia Pachyceras (Talha)- A Native Tree of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 134C

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The collapse of Kuwait's fishery stocks: analysis, data needs, and remedial management actions


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Husaini, Mohsen

Subject(s):  Fish ,  Fish stock ,  Hunt ,  Data ,  تقييم المخاطر البيئية ,  الاسماك ,  الربيان ,  الانواع المحمية والمهددة بالأنقراض ,  المصيد الجانبي ,  Ecological risk assessment ,  Species profiles ,  Fish ,  Shrimp ,  TEPS ,  Bycatch

Project(s):  The Collapse of Kuwait's Fishery Stocks: Analysis, Data Needs, and Remedial Management Actions

Project code:  FM 088C

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Sustainable Desert Ecosystem management with use of treated wastewater for forage irrigation in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Madouh, T.

Subject(s):  Bioaccumulation ,  Bioaccumulation ,  Ecosystem management ,  Ecosystem management ,  التراكم البيولوجي ,  التضخم الأحيائي ,  جودة البيئة والنظام البيئي ,  منتجات العناية الشخصية ,  تلوث مصادر غير ثابتة ,  المستحضرات الصيدلانية ,  المعادن الثقيلة ,  Bioaccumulation ,  Biomagnification ,  Ecosystem and environmental quality ,  Personal care products ,  Non-point source pollution ,  Pharmaceuticals ,  Heavy metals

Project(s):  Sustainable Desert Ecosystem Management with use of Treated Wastewater for Forage Irrigation in Kuwait

Project code:  FA 156G

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Experimental investigation of ice and chilled water storage techniques


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Suri, R. K.

Subject(s):  Cool storage. Chilled water storage. Ice storage. Peak power shaving.

Project(s):  Experimental Investigation of Ice and Chilled Water Storage Techniques

Project code:  SE 58

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Experimental investigation of ice and chilled water storage techniques


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Suri, R. K.

Subject(s):  Ice cool. Chilled water cool storage.

Project(s):  Experimental Investigation of Ice and Chilled Water Storage Techniques

Project code:  SE 58

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Experimental investigation of ice and chilled water storage techniques (cooling load of the test building)


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Aburshaid, H.

Subject(s):  Cool storage. Air-handler. Power shaving. Cooling utilization.

Project(s):  Experimental Investigation of Ice and Chilled Water Storage Techniques

Project code:  SE 58

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