report(s) found: 10000

Evaluating softening temperature of Polystyrene/Nanocomposites by using a novel approach


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Bader, N.

Subject(s):  Polymer ,  Polymer ,  temperature ,  temperature ,  Polystyrene ,  glass transition temperature ,  Differential scanning calorimetry ,  montmorillomite ,  بوليسترين ,  درجة حرارة التحول الزجاجي ,  مونتموريلونايت ,  كالوريميتر المسح الضوئي التفاعلي

Project(s):  Evaluating softening temperature of Polystyrene/Nanocomposites by using a novel approach

Project code:  PC 032K

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CVD Graphene growth using substrates Alloys with low melting points


Annual Report

Contributor(s):  Saeed, Mariam A.

Subject(s):  Graphene ,  Graphene ,  Nanostructured materials ,  Nanostructured materials ,  Graphene ,  Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) ,  growth and synthesis ,  Nanomaterials ,  جرافين ,  الترسيب بالتطاير الكيميائي ,  النمو والتصنيع ,  مواد النانو

Project code:  EA 083C

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Development of pharamcy sign-language communication solution


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  AlSnayen, N.

Subject(s):  pharmacy ,  Pharmacy ,  Deaf ,  Deaf

Project(s):  Development of pharamcy sign-language communication solution

Project code:  SD 016C

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Estimating sea surface temperature in Kuwait bay using R


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Dashti, A.

Subject(s):  Remot sensing ,  Remot sensing ,  Analysis ,  Analysis ,  Remote Sensing ,  SST ,  Kuwait bay ,  Spectral analysis ,  R. ,  الإستشعار عن بعد ,  حرارة سطح البحر ,  جون الكويت ,  التحليل الطيفي

Project(s):  Estimating sea surface temperature in Kuwait bay using R

Project code:  SD 020G

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Pilot study evaluation of photovoltaic cells and systems for application in Kuwait Petroleum Corporation carport,


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Al Otaibi, A.

Subject(s):  solar power ,  Solar power ,  Energy ,  Energy ,  Optimal design ,  Plant ,  module ,  Energy ,  Grid-connected ,  نظام كهروضوئي ,  موصولة بالشبكة ,  مواقف سيارات

Project(s):  Pilot study evaluation of photovoltaic cells and systems for application in Kuwait Petroleum Corporation carport

Project code:  EA 062C

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Computational Analysis of Thermal Energy storage for CSP plant


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Bashar, H. Abdulrahman

Subject(s):  Thermal energy ,  Thermal Energy ,  Energy ,  Energy ,  Molten Salt ,  Thermal energy storage ,  oil to salt heat exchangers ,  concentrated solar power plant ,  ملح مذاب ,  تخزين الطاقة الحرارية ,  مبادلات حرارية من الزيت الى الملح ,  محطة الطاقة الشمسية المركزة

Project(s):  Computational Analysis of Thermal Energy storage for CSP plant

Project code:  EU 152K

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Pilot Scale Feasibility study of the recovery of water from unsaturated zone in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Akber, Adnan

Subject(s):  Water security ,  Water security ,  Climatic change ,  Climatic change ,  النطاق الغير المشبع ,  استرجاع الرطوبة ,  بئر اختبار ,  مجسمات استشعار التربة ,  نموذج أولي ,  Vadose zone ,  Moisture recovery ,  test borehole ,  Soil sensors ,  Conceptual model

Project(s):  Pilot Scale Feasibility study of the recovery of water from unsaturated zone in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 071C

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Pilot Scale Feasibility study of the recovery of water from unsaturated zone in Kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Akber, Adnan

Subject(s):  Water security ,  Water security ,  Climatic change ,  Climatic change ,  النطاق الغير المشبع ,  استرجاع الرطوبة ,  بئر اختبار ,  مجسمات استشعار التربة ,  نموذج أولي ,  Vadose zone ,  Moisture recovery ,  test borehole ,  Soil sensors ,  Conceptual model

Project(s):  Pilot Scale Feasibility study of the recovery of water from unsaturated zone in Kuwait

Project code:  WM 071C

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Isolation, purification, and identification of selected bacteria from rhizospheric soils of Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Shaiji, N.

Subject(s):  Flora ,  Flora ,  Floriculture ,  Floriculture ,  polymerase chain reaction ,  amplification ,  16 s sequencing ,  Soil ,  rehizosphere ,  pseudomonas ,  عزل البكتريا ,  علم الأحياء ,  التنمط الايضي ,  تلوث التربة ,  ملوحة التربة ,  سودوموناس

Project(s):  Isolation, purification, and identification of selected bacteria from rhizospheric soils of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 078G

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Azolla cultivation and assessment of its potential application in Kuwait's desert agriculture


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Baijan, D.

Subject(s):  Food ,  Food ,  Compost ,  Compost ,  Azolla ,  biomass production ,  Desert agriculture ,  bio-fertilizer ,  biochemical analysis ,  economic fesibility ,  ازولا ,  الكتلة الحيوية ,  الزراعة الصحراوية ,  التحليل البيوكيميائي ,  الجدوى الاقتصادية

Project(s):  Azolla cultivation and assessment of its potential application in Kuwait's desert agriculture

Project code:  FB 154K

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Survey of the Microbial communities in the Aeration tanks of the sulaibiya wastewater treatment plant in Kuwait.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Ajeel, F.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Wastewater ,  Wastewater ,  الجنس السائد ,  مواد عضوية ,  عناصر غذائية ,  قياسات ميدانية ,  Dominant genus ,  Organic ,  Nutrient ,  Field measurements

Project(s):  Survey of the Microbial communities in the Aeration tanks of the sulaibiya wastewater treatment plant in Kuwait

Project code:  WT 040G

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Assessment of Bisphenols concentrations in Thermal papers in the middle east


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Hajeyah, M.

Subject(s):  Thermodynamics ,  Thermodynamics ,  Nanostructured materials ,  Nanostructured materials ,  Biphenol A ,  Biphenol S ,  Thermal paper ,  human exposure ,  Middle East ,  بيسفينول أ ,  بيسفينول س ,  الأوراق الحرارية ,  التعرض البشري ,  الشرق الأوسط

Project(s):  Assessment of Bisphenols concentrations in Thermal papers in the Middle East

Project code:  EM 075G

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