report(s) found: 10000

Impact of thermal cracking on asphaltene structure and morphology


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Humaidan, Faisal

Subject(s):  Heavy oil ,  Energy ,  Microscope ,  Heavy oil ,  Energy ,  Microscope

Project(s):  Impact of Thermal Cracking on Asphaltena Structure and Morphology

Project code:  PF 074K

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In Situ Thermal Decomposition for the Preparation of Nanosized Metallic Sulfide Catalysts,


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Pereze, Anrdes.

Subject(s):  Emulsion ,  Organometallic ,  Emulsifier ,  Pyrolysis ,  Emulsion ,  Organometallic ,  Emulsifier ,  Pyrolysis ,  Thermal Decomposition. ,  Organometallic complex. ,  Emulsion. ,  Emulsifier. ,  Nanoparticles. ,  Nanometer (NM). ,  الانحلال الحراري ,  المركبات المعدنية العضوية ,  المستحلبات ,  نانو الجسيمات ,  (NM)نانو ميتر

Project(s):  In-Situ thermal Decomposition for the Preparation of Nanosized Metallic Sulfide Catalysts

Project code:  PF 046C

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Special advisory meeting on Catalysis


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Naffa, P.

Subject(s):  Catalysis. Catalytic reforming of naphtha.

Project(s):  Special Advisory Meeting on Catalysis

Project code:  PET 00

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Improvement of pilot unit testing through reaction engineering approaches for better mimicking the Catalytic hydroprocesses


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Bazzaz, Hamza

Subject(s):  Catalysts ,  Catalysts ,  Oil ,  Oil ,  Reactor design ,  Bench scale reactor ,  Heavy oil ,  Hydrotreatment ,  مفاعل ذو حجم صغير ,  تصميم مفاعل ,  نفوط ثقيلة ,  المعالجة الهيروجينية

Project(s):  Improvement of Pilot Unit Testing Through Reaction Engineering Approaches for Better Mimicking the Catalytic Hydroprocesses

Project code:  PF 073K

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Microbiologically influenced corrosion of carbon steel in sea and effluent water injection plants of North and west Kuwait oil fields,


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'B'

Contributor(s):  Al-Mazeedi, H.

Subject(s):  Microbiologically influenced corrosion ,  Materials

Project(s):  Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Carbon Steel in Sea and Effluent Water Injection Plants of North and West Kuwait Oil Field

Project code:  PP 029C

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Stability and rheological properties of crude oil emulsions in north Kuwait-Sabriyah reservoirs


KISR Report

Technical Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Ghloum, Ebtesam Folad.

Subject(s):  Crude oil emulsions. ,  Rheology. ,  Stability. ,  Viscosity. ,  Demulsifiers. ,  Pressure.

Project(s):  Stability and Rheological Properties of Crude Oil Emulsions in North Kuwait-Sabriyah Reservoirs

Project code:  PC 010C

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Consultancy services for evaluating integrity of existing refinery equipment - Phase II (Ho/FEC/0092/Cnsl)


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Shalaby, Hamdy.

Subject(s):  Refineries ,  Carbon ,  Temperatures ,  Hydrogen pressure ,  Hydrogen attack. ,  Ultrasonic detection. ,  Remaining life. ,  Reliability. ,  Refinery equipment. ,  In situ metallography. ,  الهجوم الهيدروجيني ,  الأختبارات الفوق صوتية ,  العمر المتبقي ,  سلامة الاعتماد ,  معدات المصافي ,  تقييم حقلي بلوري

Project(s):  Consultancy Services for Evaluating Integrity of Existing Refinery Equipment - Phase II

Project code:  PF 021S

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Performance test using atmospheric residue from lower fars crude for Zor refinery :


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Otaibi, A.

Subject(s):  Upgrading ,  Upgrading ,  Petroleum ,  Petroleum ,  Hydroprocessing ,  Upgrading ,  Gasoil ,  Atmospheric residue ,  Refining ,  LSFO ,  المعالجة الهيدروجينية ,  التحسين ,  زيت الوقود ,  المخلف النفطي ,  التكرير ,  زيت الوقود منخفض الكبريت

Project(s):  Effective Hydrotreating of Kuwait Heavy Oils

Project code:  PF 068C

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Interactive coastal information system for Kuwait's Territorial waters, PHASE I: hindcasting of waves, water levels and currents


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Rakha, Karim

Subject(s):  Ports ,  Waves ,  Power plants ,  Wind waves ,  WAM model ,  Tidal currents ,  Design wave heights ,  Arabian Gulf ,  الامواج المتولدة من الرياح ,  التيارات البحرية ,  ارتفاعات الامواج التصميمية ,  الخليج العربي

Project(s):  Interactive Coastal Information System for Kuwait's Territorial Waters

Project code:  EC 026C

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Speciation of sulfur and nitrogen compounds in Kuwaiti crude oils true boiling fractions by two dimensional Gas chromatography


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Rabiha, H.

Subject(s):  Oil ,  Oil ,  Chemical commpounds ,  Chemical commpounds

Project(s):  Speciation of Sulfur and Nitrogen Compounds in Kuwaiti Crude Oils True Boiling Fractions by Two Dimensional Gas Chromatography

Project code:  PF 070K

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Kuwait heavy crude upgrading- Feasibility of thermal cracking , Volume II


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Omori, Makoto.

Subject(s):  Human Physiology ,  Human Physiology ,  Medicine ,  Medicine ,  Pneumology ,  Pneumology ,  Biomedicine ,  biomedicine ,  Synthetic crude. ,  Vacuum reside. ,  Integrated upgrader. ,  Field upgrader. ,  نفط مخلق ,  مخلفات التقطير ,  الزيوت المكسة حراريا

Project(s):  Kuwait Heavy Crude Oil Upgrading: Feasibility of Thermal Cracking

Project code:  PF 049C

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Laboratory scale analysis of the effect of chemically treated injection seawater on relative permeability and formation damage in the oil fields of Northern Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2.

Contributor(s):  Jomaa, Ali Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Sea water ,  Permeability ,  Fluid ,  Petroleum ,  Rust ,  Corrosion ,  Scale. ,  Corrosion. ,  Biocide inhibitor. ,  مثبطات التآكل والتكلس ,  الثابط البيولوجي

Project(s):  Laboratory Scale Analysis of the Effect of Chemically Treated Injection Seawater on Relative Permeability and Formation Damage in the oil fields of Northern Kuwait

Project code:  PP 044K.

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