report(s) found: 9886

Consultancy service for solar photovoltaic integrated in buildings


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Adouane, M.

Subject(s):  solar energy ,  Renewable energy ,  Photovoltaic energy ,  Project ,  Renewable ,  Solar energy ,  Grid-connected ,  Electricity ,  Power generation ,  المتجددة ,  الطاقة الشمسية ,  متصلة بالشبكة ,  الكهرباء ,  توليد الطاقة

Project(s):  Consultancy Service for Solar Photovoltaic Integrated in Buildings

Project code:  EA 010S

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Construction and Operation of an Economic Production complex for fish and Shrimp using the techniques developed by the KISR


Government Initiative

Interim Report No. 6

Contributor(s):  Al Subiai, Sherain

Subject(s):  Aquatic ,  Aquatic ,  Fish and shrimp ,  Fish and shrimp

Project(s):  Construction and Operation of an Economic Production complex for fish and Shrimp using the techniques developed by the KISR

Project code:  P-KISR-16

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Special indicators and questionnaires for Kuwait's strategy to enhance integrity and combat corruption


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Alenezi, M.

Subject(s):  Economy ,  corruption ,  Economy ,  Corruption ,  Corruption ,  Integrity ,  Governance ,  Strategy ,  Indicators ,  Surveys ,  الفساد ,  النزاهة ,  الحوكمة ,  الأستراتيجية ,  مؤشرات ,  أستطلاعات

Project(s):  Special Indicators and Questionnaires for Kuwait's Strategy to Enhance Integrity and Combat Corruption

Project code:  TE 066C

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Construction and Operation of an Economic Production complex for fish and Shrimp using the techniques developed by KISR


Government Initiative

Interim Report No.5

Contributor(s):  Al Subiai, Sherain

Subject(s):  Aquatic ,  Aquatic ,  Fish and shrimp ,  Fish and shrimp

Project(s):  Construction and Operation of an Economic Production complex for fish and Shrimp using the techniques developed by KISR

Project code:  P-KISR-16

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Establishment of specialized unit for Urban greenery research and desert Development(Phase II)


Government Initiative

Interim Report No. 10

Contributor(s):  Suleiman, M. K.

Subject(s):  Agriculture ,  Agriculture ,  Greenery ,  Greenery

Project(s):  Establishment of specialized unit for Urban greenery research and desert Development (Phase II)

Project code:  P-KISR-06-10

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Isolation and characterization of uv-protecting compounds from Marine Algae of Kuwait waters


KISR Report

Revised Annual Progress Report no.2

Contributor(s):  Habeebullah, S. F. K.

Subject(s):  Marine ,  Species ,  Crude ,  Protection ,  Microalgae. ,  Seaweeds. ,  Mocrosporine like amino acids. ,  pigments. ,  Flavanoids. ,  الطحالب الدقيقة. ,  الطحالب الكبيرة. ,  مايكروسبورين شبية الأحماض الأمنية. ,  الأصباغ. ,  مركبات الفلافانويد.

Project(s):  Isolation and characterization of uv-protecting compounds from Marine Algate of Kuwait waters

Project code:  FM 112C

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Assessment of loss of 210po by cooking of seafood and its effect on dose estimates to humans ingesting seafood


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Uddin, S.

Subject(s):  Seafood ,  Marine organisms ,  Fish ,  Marine fisheries ,  Bioaccumulation ,  Grill ,  Frying ,  Boiling ,  Fish ,  تراكم الأحيائي ,  شواء ,  قلي ,  سلق ,  سمك

Project(s):  Assessment Of Loss Of 210po By Cooking Of Seafood And Its Effect On Dose Estimates To Humans Ingesting Seafood

Project code:  EM 112K

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Kuwait export crude assay for wataniya environmental services co.


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Bouresli, R.

Subject(s):  Export ,  Environment ,  Crude ,  Physical ,  نفط ,  تصدير ,  تحليل تفصيلي ,  مواصفات ,  كيميائية ,  فزيائية

Project(s):  Kuwait Export Crude Assay For Wataniya Environmental Services Co.

Project code:  PF 027S

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Leachability and environmental impact assessment of biodegradable commercial grade plastics


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Rowayeh, A.

Subject(s):  Plastics ,  Environment ,  Waste ,  Environmental pollution ,  بلاستك أكسدة ,  تحلل ,  محاكاة ,  نفايات ,  Degradability ,  Leaching ,  Biodegradable ,  Simulation ,  Waste

Project(s):  Leachability and environmental impact assessment of biodegradable commercial grade plastics

Project code:  EM 073G

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Fiscal policy for sustainable public finance in kuwait: an assessment of economy-wide impacts using computable general equilibrium model


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Gelan, A.

Subject(s):  Economy ,  Finance ,  Tax ,  Data ,  Public finance ,  oil revenue ,  capital formation ,  wealth distribution ,  Inter-generational equity ,  policy tool ,  المالية العامة ,  إيرادات النفطية ,  تكوين رأس المال ,  توزيع الثروة ,  عدالة التوزيع بين الأجيال ,  أدوات مالية

Project(s):  Fiscal Policy For Sustainable Public Finance In Kuwait: An Assessment Of Economy-Wide Impacts Using Computable General Equilibrium Model

Project code:  TE 067K

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Total quality management in manufacturing and service industries in the state of kuwait


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Othman, A.

Subject(s):  Industries ,  Manufacturing ,  Quality management ,  Industries ,  إدارة الجودة الشاملة ,  ملامح المنتج والمستهلك ,  أفضل الممارسات ,  قائمة خاصة بالجودة ,  Quality dimensions ,  producer/consumer profiles ,  Best Practices

Project(s):  Total Quality Management In Manufacturing And Service Industries In The State Of Kuwait

Project code:  TE 053K

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Investigating the environmental sulfide stress cracking in petroleum industry by a novel fracture mechanics approach


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Rihan, R.

Subject(s):  Environmental ,  petroleum ,  Mechanics ,  Industry ,  التصدع الإجهادي الكبريتيدي ,  غاز كبريتيد الهيدروجين (H2S) ,  نظام آلية التصدع ,  عينات الذراع الناتئ المزدوج ,  العينات المشدودة المحزوزة ,  خط الأنابيب ,  أنابيب القاع ,  معامل شدة الأجهاد الكبريتيدي الأبتدائي ,  Sulfide stress cracking ,  H2S gas, fracture mechanics ,  Circumferential notched tensile specimen ,  double cantilever beam specimen ,  Pipeline ,  Downhole tubulars, threshold sulfide stress intensity factor

Project(s):  Investigating The Environmental Sulfide Stress Cracking In Petroleum Industry By A Novel Fracture Mechanics Approach

Project code:  PP 068C

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