report(s) found: 10000

Characterization and evaluation of Groundwater potential in Abdaliyah Water field, Kuwait.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Aliewi, Amjad.

Subject(s):  Groundwater ,  Water pumps ,  Water levels ,  Salinity ,  Wells ,  انتاج ,  موقع امثل ,  آبار ,  ملوحة ,  نموذج رقمي ,  مسح جيوفيزيائي سطحي ,  Production. ,  Optimal location. ,  Wells. ,  Numerical model. ,  Surface geophysical survey.

Project(s):  Characterization and Evaluation of Ground Water Potential in Abdaliyah Water Field, Kuwait

Project code:  WM 055C

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Assessment of the potential impacts of oil production produced water on the groundwater and the agricultural crops in Al Wafra area


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Murad, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Production ,  Production ,  Water ,  Water ,  مياة مصاحبة ,  حفرة التبخر ,  الوفرة ,  الاملاح الكلية الذائبة ,  هيدروكربونات عطرية ,  عطرية ,  النظائر المشعة ,  المعادن النزرة ,  متعدد المآخذ ,  Brine produced with oil ,  Evaporation pond ,  Total dissolved solids ,  polycyclic aromatic ,  radionuclides matters ,  Trace metals ,  multi channels

Project(s):  Assessment ot the Potential Impacts of Oil Production Related Produced Water on the Groundwater and the Agricultural Crops in Al-Wafra Area

Project code:  WM 048C

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Feasibility study for treatment and effective usage of high salinity oilfield producted water in Kuwait :


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  El-Sayed, Essam.

Subject(s):  Oil fields ,  Oil fields ,  Salinity ,  Salinity ,  Microfiltration. ,  Ceramic Membrane. ,  Crystallizaiton. ,  Zero Liquid Discharge. ,  Chloralkali. ,  Electrolysis. ,  فلتر دقيقة. ,  أغشية سيراميك. ,  تبخير. ,  تقطير. ,  بلورة. ,  بدون ماء عادم. ,  كلور الكلاى. ,  التحليل الكهربى.

Project(s):  Feasibility Study for Treatment and Effective Usage of High Salinity Oilfield Produced Water in Kuwait

Project code:  WT 037C

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Appraisal of extraction of valuable minerals from concentrated Brine - Phase -1


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Ahmed, M.

Subject(s):  Seawater ,  Groundwater flow ,  Groundwater flow ,  Seawater ,  محطات تحلية مياه البحر ,  تناضح عكسي ,  قابلية الذوبان ,  ترسيب ,  تركيز المعادن ,  مغنيسيوم ,  seawater desalination plants ,  Reverse osmosis ,  solubility precipitation ,  concentration of minerals ,  magensium

Project(s):  Appraisal of Extraction of Valuable Minerals from Concentrated Brine – Phase 1

Project code:  WT 038K

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Assessment of the viability and efficiency of membrane contactors for deaeration-bench scale study.


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al Tabtabaei, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Broilers ,  Feed Water ,  distillation ,  Multistage flash ,  Boilers. ,  Feedwaters. ,  Oxygen removal. ,  تبخير متعدد المراحل ,  غلايات ,  مياه تغذية ,  نزع الاوكسجين

Project(s):  Assessment of the Viablity and Efficiency of Membrane Contactors for Deaeration

Project code:  WT 030K

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Potential impact of effluent diposal pits on groundwater quality at Sabriya and raudhatain oil fields


KISR Report

Final report

Contributor(s):  Al Senafy, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Water ,  Water ,  Quality ,  Quality ,  Wells. ,  Pumping tests. ,  Water quality. ,  levels. ,  Numerical modeling. ,  Poiiutans. ,  الأبار ,  اختبارات الضخ ,  نوعية المياة ,  مناسيب ,  نموذج رياضي ,  ملوثات

Project(s):  Potential Impact of Effluent Disposal Pits on Mohamed Al-Senafy Groundwater Quality at Sabriya and Raudhatain Oil Fields

Project code:  WM 043C

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Assessment of the Hydrological and Hydrochemical interaction between the main aquifers in southern Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Hadi, Khalid.

Subject(s):  Water ,  WAter quality ,  Underground water ,  Fresh water ,  Reservoir ,  Wells ,  تكوين الدمام ,  مجموعة الكويت ,  نوعية المياه الجوفية ,  فرق جهد المكمن ,  Dammam Formation. ,  Kuwait group. ,  Groundwater Quality. ,  Aquifer Potentiometry ,  Tracer tests

Project(s):  Assessment of the Hydrological and Hydrochemical Interaction between the Main Aquifers in Southern Kuwait

Project code:  WM 033C

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Geological investigation of sources of gravel and sand in Kuwait, Vol. IV, Text /


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Youash, Y. Y.

Project(s):  Geological and Geophysical Exploration for Gravel and Sand in Northern Kuwait

Project code:  EES- 8C

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Marine sedimentology-benthic ecology of Kuwait marine environment


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Abddul Razzaq, S.

Project(s):  Marine Sedimentology and Benthic Ecology of Kuwait Marine Environment

Project code:  EES 31C

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Delineation of watersheds in Kuwait and their geomorphological characteristics


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Sulaimi, J.

Subject(s):  Drainage systems. Drainage lines. Drainage pattern. Infiltration rate.

Project(s):  Delineation of Watersheds in Kuwait and their Geomorphological Characteristics

Project code:  EES 118

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Identification and quantification of different hydrocarbon groups in the ground water of Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al-Awadi, E.

Subject(s):  ‬Dammam formtion. ,  Kuwait Group. ,  Polar hydrocarbon. ,  Non-polar hydrocarbon. ,  Laser induced fluorescence.

Project(s):  Identification and Quantification of Different Hydrocarbon Groups in the Ground Water of Kuwait

Project code:  WM 005C

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Identification and quantification of different hydrocarbon groups in the ground water of Kuwait.


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al-Awadi, E.

Subject(s):  Dammam formation. ,  Kuwait group. ,  Polar hydrocarbon. ,  Non-polar hydrocarbon. ,  Laser induced fluorescence.

Project(s):  Identification and Quantification of Different Hydrocarbon Groups in the Ground Water of Kuwait

Project code:  WM 005C

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