report(s) found: 2
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Project title: Evaluation of Energy Conservation Measures through Calibrated Simulation Models for Buildings in Kuwait x

Evaluation of energy conservation measures through calibrated simulation models for buildings in Kuwait


KISR Report

Annual Report

Contributor(s):  Sebzali, Mohammad

Subject(s):  Energy consumption ,  Electricity ,  Global Warming ,  Temperatures ,  Energy efficiency ,  Air-conditioing ,  Calibration ,  energy saving ,  Kuwait

Project(s):  Evaluation of Energy Conservation Measures through Calibrated Simulation Models for Buildings in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 102K

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Evaluation of energy conservation measures through calibrated simulation models for buildings in Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Sebzali, Mohammad.

Subject(s):  Energy consumption ,  Electricity ,  Global Warming ,  Temperatures ,  Peak power demand. ,  Annual energy consumption. ,  Detailed energy audits. ,  الحمل الأقصي ,  الأستهلاك السنوي للطاقة ,  عمليات تدقيق تفصيلية

Project(s):  Evaluation of Energy Conservation Measures through Calibrated Simulation Models for Buildings in Kuwait

Project code:  EU 102K

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