report(s) found: 2
Center: Energy and Building Research Center x

Project title: Third Party Assessor for Certifying Polyethylene Corrugated and High-Pressure Pipes of National Industries Company x

Third party assessor for certifying polyethylene corrugated and high-pressure pipes of national industries company


KISR Report

Annual Progress Report No.2

Contributor(s):  Al Arbeed, A.

Subject(s):  Polymers ,  Polymers ,  Ethylene ,  Ethylene ,  high density poly Ethylene (HDPE) ,  corrugated HDPE pipe ,  Raw materials ,  factory ,  Testing ,  البولي اثيلين ,  عالي الكثافة ,  فحوصات ,  ميكانيكية ,  فيزيائية ,  حرارية ,  منتجات ,  مصنع ,  مختبرات ,  مواد بناء ,  المواد الخام

Project(s):  Third Party Assessor for Certifying Polyethylene Corrugated and High-Pressure Pipes of National Industries Company

Project code:  EU 068S

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Third party assessor for certifying polyethylene corrugated and high-pressure pipes of national industries company


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Arbeed, A.

Subject(s):  Polythelene ,  Polythelene ,  Raw materials ,  Raw materials ,  high density poly ethylene ,  corrugated HDPE pipe ,  Raw materials ,  factory ,  Testing ,  البولي اثلين ,  عالي الكثافة ,  فحوصات ,  ميكانيكية ,  فيزيائية ,  حرارية ,  منتجات ,  مصنع ,  مختبرات ,  مواد البناء ,  المواد الخام

Project(s):  Third Party Assessor for Certifying Polyethylene Corrugated and High-Pressure Pipes of National Industries Company

Project code:  EU 068S

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