report(s) found: 1
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Project title: Enzyme identification of polycyclic aromatic compounds degraders for potential applications in bioremediation x

Enzyme identification of polycyclic aromatic compounds degraders for potential applications in bioremediation


KISR Report

Amendment/Extention "A"

Contributor(s):  Akbar, A.

Subject(s):  Environment ,  Analysis ,  Transporters ,  Aromatic ,  Polycyclie aromatic hydrocarbon. ,  Mutagenic and carcinogenic effect. ,  sequencing technique. ,  الظروف البيئية. ,  المجموعات الميكرومية. ,  الملوثات البيئية. ,  المعالجة الحيوية.

Project(s):  Enzyme identification of polycyclic aromatic compounds degraders for potential applications in bioremediation

Project code:  FB 142K

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