report(s) found: 2
Center: Environment and Life Sciences Research Center x

Project title: Testing, Evaluation, and Post-Certification Activities for Radionuclide Station, RN-40, Kuwait City, Kuwait x

Testing, evaluation, and post-certification activities for radionuclide station, RN-40, Kuwait City, Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Dabbous, A.

Subject(s):  Radionuclides ,  Experiments ,  Nuclear ,  Radionuclides ,  منظمة الحظر الشامل للتجارب النووية ,  رصد النويدات المشعة ,  أعمال الصيانة ,  Comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty organization ,  Continuous monitoring system ,  Maintenance activities

Project(s):  Testing, Evaluation, and Post-Certification Activities for Radionuclide Station, RN-40, Kuwait City, Kuwait

Project code:  EC 035S

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Testing, evaluation, and post-certification activities for radionuclide station, RN-40, Kuwait City, Kuwait


KISR Report

Technical Report

Contributor(s):  Al Dabbous, A.

Subject(s):  Nuclear Test Ban Treaty ,  Nuclear Test Ban Treaty ,  Nuclear weapons ,  Nuclear weapons ,  الحظر الشامل للتجارب النووية ,  رصد النويدات المشعة ,  أعمال الصيانة ,  Comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty organization ,  Continuous monitoring system ,  Maintenance activities

Project(s):  Testing, Evaluation, and Post-Certification Activities for Radionuclide Station, RN-40, Kuwait City, Kuwait

Project code:  EC 033S

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