report(s) found: 2
Center: Environment and Urban Development Division x

Project title: Measurement of Surface Resistivity / Conductivity of Metallic Alloys in Aqueous Solutions by Optical Interferometry Techniques x

Measurement of surface resistivity / conductivity of metallic alloys in aqueous solutions by optical interferometry techniques


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Habib, khaled

Subject(s):  Metal ,  Direct current ,  Mechanochemistry ,  Optical Interferometers ,  Optical interferometry ,  Electrical resistivity ,  Electrical conductivity ,  Metallic alloys ,  تقنية التداخل الضوئي ,  عامل المقاومة للتيار المباشر ,  عامل التوصيل للتيار المباشر ,  سبائك المعادن

Project(s):  Measurement of Surface Resistivity / Conductivity of Metallic Alloys in Aqueous Solutions by Optical Interferometry Techniques

Project code:  EM 053K

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Measurement of surface resistivity / conductivity of metallic alloys in aqueous solutions by optical interferometry techniques


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Habib, khaled.

Subject(s):  Metal ,  Direct current ,  Mechanochemistry ,  Optical Interferometers ,  Electrical resistivity. ,  Electrical conductivity. ,  عامل المقاومة للتيار المباشر ,  عامل التوصيل للتيار المباشر

Project(s):  Measurement of Surface Resistivity / Conductivity of Metallic Alloys in Aqueous Solutions by Optical Interferometry Techniques

Project code:  EM 053K

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