report(s) found: 1
Center: Environmental and Earth Sciences Division x

Project title: Hepatic Microsomal Cytochrome P-450 and Bile Metabolites as Indicators of Petroleum Pollution in Hamoor (Epinephelus Tauvina) x

Hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 and bile metabolites as indicators of petroleum pollution in hamoor (epinephelus tauvina)


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Yakoob, S.

Subject(s):  Polycyclic aromatic. Hydrocarbons. Mixed function. Oxidase. Fish. Indication. Oxidative stress.

Project(s):  Hepatic Microsomal Cytochrome P-450 and Bile Metabolites as Indicators of Petroleum Pollution in Hamoor (Epinephelus Tauvina)

Project code:  VR012k KISR

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