report(s) found: 3
Center: Food Resources and Marine Sciences Division x

Project title: Evaluation of Genetic Integrity of the KISR Tissue-Cultured Date Palms (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) under Field Conditions x

Evaluation of genetic integrity of the KISR -tissue cultured date palms (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) under field conditions


KISR Report

Final Report

Contributor(s):  Al-Amad, S.

Subject(s):  Date palm trees. ,  Trueness-to-type. ,  DNA fingerprinting. ,  Microsatellite ISSR and RAPD markers. ,  RAPD. ,  Genetic stability. ,  DNA. ,  Tissue culture derived date palms. ,  Elite.

Project(s):  Evaluation of Genetic Integrity of the KISR Tissue-Cultured Date Palms (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) under Field Conditions

Project code:  FB 026C

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Evaluation of genetic integrity of the KISR tissue-cultured date palms (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) under field conditions


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al-Amad, S.

Subject(s):  Genetic markers. ,  RAPD fingerprints. ,  Trueness-to-type. ,  DNA polymorphism.

Project(s):  Evaluation of Genetic Integrity of the KISR Tissue-Cultured Date Palms (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) under Field Conditions

Project code:  FB 026C

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Evaluation of genetic integrity of the KISR -tissue cultured date palms (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) under field conditions


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al-Amed, S.

Subject(s):  Total genomic DNA. ,  Tissue culture-derived date palms. ,  Mother date palms. ,  DNA primers. ,  DNA fingerprinting.

Project(s):  Evaluation of Genetic Integrity of the KISR Tissue-Cultured Date Palms (Phoenix Dactylifera L.) under Field Conditions

Project code:  FB 026C

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