report(s) found: 9
Center: Food Resources and Marine Sciences Division x

Project title: National Nutrition Program for the state of Kuwait - Phase I: National Nutrition Survey of the State of Kuwait x

National nutrition program for the state of Kuwait : Phase I- National Nutrition survey of the state of Kuwait (2003-1202-02),


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 6

Contributor(s):  Al Hooti, Suaad Naser.

Subject(s):  Nutrition serveys. ,  Health, nutrition, and population program. ,  المسح التغذوي; التحاليل المخبرية; القياسات البدنية; والتقييم التغذوي ,  Nutrition survey, biochemical, anthropometric, dietary assessment

Project(s):  National Nutrition Program for the state of Kuwait - Phase I: National Nutrition Survey of the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 059C

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National nutrition program for the state of Kuwait : Phase I- National Nutrition survey of the state of Kuwait


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'B'

Contributor(s):  Al Hooti, Suaad Naser.

Subject(s):  Chronic disease ,  Nutrition--healthaspects

Project(s):  National Nutrition Program for the state of Kuwait - Phase I: National Nutrition Survey of the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 059C

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National nutrition program for the state of Kuwait : phase I- national nutrition survey of the state of Kuwait


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 5

Contributor(s):  Al Hooti, Suaad Naser.

Subject(s):  Chronic disease ,  Nutrition--health aspects ,  Nutrition survey, biochemical, anthropometric, dietary assessment ,  المسح التغذوي ; التحاليل الحيوية ; القياسات البدنية ; الاستهلاك الغذائي

Project(s):  National Nutrition Program for the state of Kuwait - Phase I: National Nutrition Survey of the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 059C

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National nutrition program for the state of Kuwait: Phase I-National nutrition survey of the state of Kuwait (2003-1202-02),


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 2

Contributor(s):  Al Hooti, Suaad Naser.

Subject(s):  Chronic disease ,  Nutrition -- health aspects ,  استبيان المسح التغذوي; المرشد الغذائي لجمع البيانات; دليل الترميز الغذائي; دليل الصور الغذائية ,  survey questionnaires, food instruction booklet, food coding booklet, food picture booklet

Project(s):  National Nutrition Program for the state of Kuwait - Phase I: National Nutrition Survey of the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 059C

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National nutrition program for the State of Kuwait :


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 4

Contributor(s):  Al Hooti, Suad Naser

Subject(s):  Nutrition ,  Physical measurements ,  Cholesterol ,  Obesity ,  مسح تغذوي ,  التحاليل الحيوية ,  القياسات البدنية ,  تقييم النظام الغذائي ,  Nutrition survey. ,  Biochemical. ,  Anthropometric. ,  Dietary assessment.

Project(s):  National Nutrition Program for the state of Kuwait - Phase I: National Nutrition Survey of the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 059C

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National nutrition program for the State of Kuwait:


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 1

Contributor(s):  Al Hooti, Suaad Naser.

Subject(s):  Nutrition ,  Iodine deficiency ,  Vitamins ,  Iron deficiency ,  نقص الحديد في الدم ,  نقص اليود ,  الاستهلاك الغذائي ,  Iron deficiency. ,  Iodine deficiency. ,  Dietary intake. ,  Food frequency questionnaire.

Project(s):  National Nutrition Program for the state of Kuwait - Phase I: National Nutrition Survey of the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 059C

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National nutrition program for the State of Kuwait :


KISR Report

Progress Report No. 3

Contributor(s):  Al-Hooti, Suad Naser.

Subject(s):  Nutrition ,  Nutrition ,  Nutrition survey. ,  Pilot testing questionnaires. ,  Anthropometric assessment. ,  المسح التغذوى. ,  استبانات المسح التجريبى. ,  تقييم القياسات البدنية.

Project(s):  National Nutrition Program for the state of Kuwait - Phase I: National Nutrition Survey of the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 059C

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National nutrition program for the state of Kuwait : phase - national nutrition survey of the state of Kuwait


KISR Report


Contributor(s):  Al Hooti, Suaad Naser.

Subject(s):  Food consumption. ,  Blood analysis. ,  Lipid profile. ,  Anthropometric measurements. ,  Food policies. ,  Nutritional deficiencies. ,  Health status.

Project(s):  National Nutrition Program for the state of Kuwait - Phase I: National Nutrition Survey of the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 059C

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National nutrition program fpr the state of Kuwait : phase I - National nutrition survey of the state of Kuwait


KISR Report

Amendment/Extension 'A'

Contributor(s):  Al Hooti, Suaad Naser.

Subject(s):  Chronic diseases ,  Fortification

Project(s):  National Nutrition Program for the state of Kuwait - Phase I: National Nutrition Survey of the State of Kuwait

Project code:  FB 059C

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